17:44 21 Dec 24
I-DEV0372: Deviation from monitoring plan regarding the quarterly measurement of methane content in the biogas of the biodigester
Reference | I-DEV0372 | |
Submitted by | DNV (28 Sep 2010) | |
Project activity | 637: Methane Recovery and Electricity Generation Project GCM 24 | |
Selected monitoring period | 20 Oct 2007 - 09 Feb 2009 | |
Title/subject of deviation | Deviation from monitoring plan regarding the quarterly measurement of methane content in the biogas of the biodigester | |
Description |
According to monitoring plan described in the registered PDD and the methodology AMS-III.D (version 09)
the “amount of methane recovered and used as fuel or combusted shall be monitored, using flow meter and analysing the methane content of the combusted gases either online, or with samples at least quarterly, and more frequently if the results show significant deviations from previous values.” However, in the monitoring period from 20 October 2007 – 09 February 2009 only two measurement of methane content were carried out in December 2008 and 19 January 2009. The monitoring frequency does thus not comply with requirement to have quarterly analysis as outlined in the monitoring plan and the methodology, as only two measurements were made in the monitoring period, a request of deviation is required. A statistical analysis of the methane content analyses was performed, including the measurement made on 29 September 2007 in the previous monitoring period and the two measurements made on 23 December 2008 and 19 January 2009 in this monitoring period. Using the monitored data available (3 measurement points) and in compliance with the Guidelines to calculate the fraction of methane in the landfill gas from periodical measurements used as reference for the similarity of the calculation presented in this deviation, a standard deviation was calculated with a 95% of confidence interval (refer to spreadsheet GCM24 CH4_95%Cl_3samples.xls) The project participants propose to apply the lower bond value (72.30%) of the 95% confidence interval as the methane content for the whole monitoring period. Using this value results in a conservative determination of the project’s emission reductions. |
Assessment |
Since December 2008, the project participant complies with the requirement to have quarterly methane content
measurement. The deviation is thus only applicable to the monitoring period in question, and the deviation does not require a revision of the monitoring plan and any amendment of the methodology AMS-III.D. |
Impact |
The methane content applied to the whole monitoring period is lower than the lowest methane content
measured during the monitoring period in question. Hence, the deviation is expected to rather result in an underestimation of the emission reductions. |
Annexes | EB 48_Annex13 - Guidelines to calculate the fraction of methane - meth_guid36.pdf (193 KB) | |
GCM24 CH4_95%CI_3samples.xlsx (38 KB) | ||
Link to the documentation made available at validation stage or monitoring report | Link to relevant documentation | |
Signed form | Signed form (357 KB) | |
Decision |
This request for deviation has been accepted.
The Chairs have accepted the proposed request for deviation to the monitoring and reporting process for the first and the second monitoring period. |
Current status | 15 Dec 2010 - Deviation accepted | |
Historic statuses |
28 Sep 2010 -
Submission received 26 Oct 2010 - Successfully passed the Completeness Check 04 Nov 2010 - Awaiting DOE input 17 Nov 2010 - Clarifications received 30 Nov 2010 - Awaiting EB decision |
2 clarification(s) provided on 17 Nov 2010 |
Spreadsheet GCM24 (54 KB) |
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