I-DEV0376: Deviation from registered monitoring plan (UN1312) regarding measurement of “Quantity of high pressure steam used for low pressure application (SLP)” & “Quantity of high pressure steam generated by the biomass boiler (SBO)”

Reference I-DEV0376
Submitted by SGS (18 Oct 2010)
Project activity 1312: Nagamas Biomass Cogeneration Project in Indonesia
Selected monitoring period 23 Nov 2007 - 31 Dec 2008
Title/subject of deviation Deviation from registered monitoring plan (UN1312) regarding measurement of “Quantity of high pressure steam used for low pressure application (SLP)” & “Quantity of high pressure steam generated by the biomass boiler (SBO)”

The request for deviation is for the monitoring plan of registered project titled “Nagamas Biomass Cogeneration Project in Indonesia”, UNFCCC Ref. No. 1312, registered on 23/11/2007.
The project activity has been registered on 23/11/2007; thus the crediting period starts from 23/11/2007. The first monitoring period is from 23/11/2007 to 31/12/2008. However, the project participant would like to claim the emission reductions for the period of 01/03/2008 to 31/12/2008 only (under first monitoring period) because all of the equipment used in the project to monitor the parameters was calibrated till 27/02/2008. Hence, the project participant has decided not to claim the emission reductions for the monitoring period from 23/11/2007 to 29/02/2008. The calibration details of projects equipment is mentioned below:

No. Code Quantity Measured Date of Calibration Manufacturer/Type
Prior to 01/03/2008 After 01/03/2008
1 W-101 Shell weighing scale in Nagamas 30/08/2007 15/09/2008 Avery-Berkel
2 W-102 Shell weighing scale in PAA 24/08/2007 01/09/2008
3 S-201 Steam flow from Boiler 2 Faulty meter on 26/01/2008
New Meter Installed on 22.08.2008 and next calibrated on 16.02.2009 Yokogawa
4 T-201 Steam temperature from Boiler 2 20/02/2008 07/02/2009 Daiichi Keiki
5 P-201 Steam pressure from Boiler 2 22/01/2008 20/01/2009 Rototherm
6 P-202 Pressure of output steam from Turbine-Generator 2 22/01/2008 20/01/2009 Daiichi Keiki
7 T-202 Temperature of output steam from Turbine-Generator 2 27/02/2008 27/02/2009 Daiichi Keiki
8 ET-201 Electricity consumption to run Boiler 2 25/02/2008 09/01/2009 Fuji Dharma Electric
9 ET-202 Electricity output from Turbine-Generator 2 09/01/2008 09/01/2009 Fuji Dharma Electric
10 S-301 Steam flow feeding to the refinery 19/12/2007 16.02.2009 Spirax Sarco
11 ET-301 Electricity consumption to run the Reverse Osmosis (RO) facility 25/02/2008 09/01/2009 Fuji Dharma Electric
12 F-501 Fuel consumption of the Diesel Generator 21/12/2007 19/12/2008 Tokico
13 F-502 Fuel consumption of the HT-500 Boiler 21/12/2007 19/12/2008 Tokico
14 F-503 Fuel consumption of the Mechmar Boiler 21/12/2007 19/12/2008 Tokico

The abovementioned calibration certificates were checked and found to be correct and acceptable. As the project participant has considered the zero emission reductions for the period from 23/11/2007 to 27/02/2008 due to the equipment not being calibrated prior to registration of the project activity. However, PP is claiming the emission reductions from 01/03/2008 onwards (It is noteworthy that PP is not claiming emission reduction from 27.02/2008 till 29/02/2008 due to the ease of accounting the emission reduction from 01/03/2008) .Thus; this approach will have the result of more conservativeness in emission reduction calculations, hence the same was accepted.

Monitoring Plan of registered PDD:
As per section B.7.1 of registered PDD “Quantity of high pressure steam generated by the biomass boiler (SBO)” is to be measured using a steam flow meter which records the cumulative flow of steam generated by the boiler, and the data is to be logged on hourly basis. Also as per section B.7.1 of registered PDD the parameter “Quantity of high pressure steam used for low pressure application (SLP)” is calculated from the difference of Quantity of high pressure steam generated by the biomass boiler (SBO) and Quantity of high pressure steam to refinery (SHP).
Deviation for the period from 01/03/2008 to 05/09/2008 :
The steam flow meter at biomass boiler was found faulty for the period from 01/03/2008 to 05/09/2008. Hence monitoring of following parameters is deviated from monitoring plan of registered PDD for the period from 01/03/2008 to 05/09/2008. Thus the below deviation is requested related to below monitoring parameters

1. “Quantity of high pressure steam used for low pressure application (SLP)” is back calculated by using the formula which describes the relationship between steam characteristics and its electricity generation potential mentioned on page 25 of registered PDD for the deviation period from 01/03/2008 to 05/09/2008. The formula is as below :

As per page 25 of registered PDD Back calculation of SLP (for the deviation period 01/03/2008 to 05/09/2008 )
EGGross = (HTBout,Pbout - HTTout,Ptout ) x SLP x ε x 1 hr / 3600 SLP = ( EGGross )/[ (HTBout,Pbout - HTTout,Ptout ) x ε x 1 hr / 3600]…………………………Equation 01
Where the numbers applied in the PDD are:
HTBout,PBout = 2,987 MJ/t (high pressure steam enthalpy)
HTTout,PTout = 2,739 MJ/t (low pressure steam enthalpy)
SLP = 32.4 t/hr or equivalent to 256,608 t/yr
ε (efficiency) = 0.97 (assumed parameter at project activity validation stage )
Unit conversion from hour to second = 1 hr / 3600 sec EGGross = The amount of electricity generated by the turbine = 2.165 MW (The maximum estimated value from project activity)
Where the numbers applied in the PDD are:
HTBout,PBout = Monitored value as per section B.7.1 of registered PDD (Pg 28)
HTTout,PTout = Monitored value as per section B.7.1 of registered PDD (Pg 29)
EGGross = Monitored value prior to reduction from electricity consumption from Project equipments and Reverse Osmosis facilities as per section B.7.1 of registered PDD (Pg 26)
ε (efficiency) = 1.00 ( Assumed for maximum conservativeness)
Unit conversion from hour to second = 1 hr / 3600 sec

2. “Quantity of high pressure steam generated by the biomass boiler (SBO)” is calculated as summation of Quantity of high pressure steam to refinery (SHP) and quantity of high pressure steam used for low pressure application (SLP) for the deviation period 01/03/2008 to 05/09/2008. The formula is as below :

As per page 27 of registered PDD monitoring parameter Back calculation of S¬BO (from the deviation period 01/03/2008 to 05/09/2008 )
SLP = SBO – S HP SBO = SLP + S HP………………………. Equation 02
Where :
SLP = Quantity of high pressure steam used for low pressure applications
SBO = Quantity of high pressure steam generated by the biomass boiler
SHP = Quantity of high pressure steam for refinery Where :
SBO = Quantity of high pressure steam generated by the biomass boiler ( Back calculated as per above formula)
SLP = Quantity of high pressure steam used for low pressure applications ( Back calculated as per SLP = ( EGGross )/[ (HTBout,Pbout - HTTout,Ptout ) x ε x 1 hr / 3600] )

SHP = Quantity of high pressure steam for refinery (measured as per registered PDD monitoring plan )

Reason for requested deviation for the period from 01/03/2008 to 05/09/2008 :
The steam flow meter at the biomass boiler was found faulty for the period from 01/03/2008 to 05/09/2008 and quantity of high pressure steam generated by biomass boiler is not measured as per registered monitoring plan. The steam flow meter has a unique identification serial number (Meter Serial no. 91EC37293, Code: S-201)/Ref. No 01/ on the meter body which has been verified during site visit and was cross verified with the calibration certificate/ Ref. No 01/. However, during the deviation period (from 01/03/2008 to 05/09/2008), the steam flow meter (Code: S-201, Meter Serial no: 91EC37293, Manufacturer: Yokogawa)/Ref. No 01/ was found faulty. This issue of the faulty flow meter was raised and identified in an internal quality control check on 07/03/2008. Because the steam flow meter was indicating an abnormal reading of steam flow and therefore, total boiler output exceeded its design capacity of 40 tons/hour. The project participant had confirmed the same with the investigation team and immediately placed an order for a new steam flow meter.

The faulty meter was replaced with a new steam flow meter having unique identification serial number (Code: S-201_New, Meter Serial no.: 27E633933524, Manufacturer: Yokogawa)/Ref. No 02/ on 22/08/2008/Ref. No 09/. However, the reading was not immediately used for ER calculation. This is to make sure that the new meter installed is functioning correctly. The monitoring of the quantity of high pressure steam generated by the biomass boiler (SBO) was started from 06/09/2008. The monitored value from new steam flow meter was verified by investigating team and found correct and PP proceeds to employ readings from the new flow meter for ER calculation.

The calibration certificates of following parameters has been checked and found correct :
Parameter Meter Description Meter No Calibration Date Validity of calibration certificates Calibration Certificate No.
EGGross Electricity output from Turbine 2 ET-202 09/01/2008 One Year 02/-1.821.1
SBO Steam flow from Boiler 2 S-201 (old) 24/01/2008 One Year P.019.08
Steam flow from Boiler 2 S-201 (new) 16/02/2009 * One Year P.0044.09
SHP Steam flow feeding to refinery S-301 17/02/2009 * One Year P.0045.09
TBO = THP Steam Temperature at Boiler 2 outlet T-201 29/01/2008 One Year 023TB08
TLP Steam Temperature at Turbine 2 outlet T-202 27/01/2008 One Year 030TB08
PBO = PHP Steam pressure at Boiler 2 outlet P-201 22/01/2008 One Year 007PA08
PLP Steam pressure at Turbine 2 outlet P-202 22/01/2008 One Year 008PA08
* For S-201 (new) and S-301, the instruments have been calibrated during installation. The dates listed are the latest calibrated date.
The meter to measure the generated electric energy is calibrated annually, according to the registered PDD. The enthalpy of each of the high pressure and the low pressure steam is determined by the temperature and pressure that are measured on an hourly basis. The quantity of high pressure steam is measured with the calibrated Spirax Sarco systems and recorded hourly.
Thus, a deviation from the registered monitoring plan is requested for the monitoring period (01/03/2008 to 05/09/2008) when the faulty meter was used. As per deviation, the parameter SBO is calculated from the electric energy generated by the steam turbine (project output) with the turbine efficiency (i.e. 100%). The formula has been described on page 25 of the registered PDD for the ex-ante calculation of emission reductions and written above.
The requested deviation is specifically applicable for the first monitoring period from 23/11/2007 to 31/12/2008.
The steam flow meter used for measuring the high pressure steam was malfunctioning for the monitoring period from 01/03/2008 to 05/09/2008, thus the measured value of high pressure steam flow is found to be incorrect for the same period.
Hence the quantity of high pressure steam generated by the biomass boiler (SBO) is calculated by applying equation 02 for the period from 01/03/2008 to 05/09/2008.
Similarly, the quantity of high pressure steam used for low pressure applications (SLP) is calculated by applying equation 01 for the period starting from 01/03/2008 to 05/09/2008.
Since, the impact of this deviation is limited to the period from 01/03/2008 to 05/09/2008. Hence, the deviation does not require a revision of monitoring plan or the changes from the project activity as described in the registered project design document. The registered monitoring plan is in line with monitoring methodology; hence this deviation does not require a revision in monitoring plan.
The deviation method to calculate SBO is conservative from the fact that the turbine efficiency is assumed to be maximum (i.e 100 %) in the calculation. Due to the maximum efficiency of turbine, a lower steam flow will be obtained, thus also lowering the quantity of Emission Reduction. This results an appropriate and conservative calculation.
The conservativeness has also been verified from the data collected in October, when meter was ok. For October the value of SLP from the calculation is 40% less and SBO is 36% less than the measured value. (the month of October 2008 is selected for checking the conservativeness of approach of calculating SLP and SBO because plant was run maximum time in this month and meters were also calibrated)
By using this approach the emission reduction calculation is found to be conservative as the calculated quantity of high pressure steam used for low pressure applications (SLP) by equation 01 would be less then compared to monitored value. The minimum value of SLP leads to minimum value for SBO. Thus both parameters are conservative and reduce the emission reductions.
Therefore, the approach used in the deviation is even more conservative in terms of emission reductions calculation and there will be no impact of the deviation on the estimated emissions which leads to a higher value of emission reductions for the proposed project activity with the use of approved methodology.
A sample spreadsheet/Ref. No. 08/ is attached on the method used on daily basis which is a back calculation of quantity of high pressure steam used for low pressure applications (SLP) & quantity of high pressure steam generated by the biomass boiler (SBO) using the above equation 01 & 02 as per the registered PDD (pg. 25) and the same has been submitted for reference.
Annexes 1. Calibration Certificate for Steam flow from Boiler 2_ S-201_Old (619 KB)
2. Calibration Certificate for Steam flow from Boiler 2_ S-201_New (559 KB)
3. Calibration Certificate for Electricity output from Turbine 2_ ET-202 (703 KB)
4. Calibration Certificate for Electricity output from Turbine 2_ ET-202_English (724 KB)
5. Calibration Certificate for Steam pressure from Boiler 2_P-201 (591 KB)
6. Calibration Certificate for Steam flow feeding to refinery_ S-301 (551 KB)
7. Calibration Certificate for Steam temperature from Boiler 2_ T-201 (324 KB)
8. Deviation Sample Spreadsheet (239 KB)
9. New meter installation report (26 KB)
10. Schematic Diagram of the Project Activity (553 KB)
11. Tabular representation of the deviation (106 KB)
Link to the documentation made available at validation stage or monitoring report Link to relevant documentation
Signed form Signed form (357 KB)
Decision This request for deviation has been accepted.

The Chairs have accepted the proposed request for deviation to the monitoring and reporting process limited to the period from 01 March 2008 to 23 November 2008, within the first monitoring period.

Before requesting issuance for this project activity, the DOE is requested to confirm in the verification report that from 24 Nov 2008 onwards the flow meter of the back-up boiler was calibrated when it was repaired or that measured data since 24 Nov 2008 has been verified to be correct, provided that the previous malfunctioning of the meter was not related to its accuracy (i.e. the meter was not working but it was calibrated).

Current status 04 Jan 2011 - Deviation accepted
Historic statuses 18 Oct 2010 - Submission received
12 Nov 2010 - Successfully passed the Completeness Check
12 Nov 2010 - Awaiting DOE input
26 Nov 2010 - Clarifications received
17 Dec 2010 - Awaiting EB decision


5 clarification(s) provided on 26 Nov 2010
F-CDM-DEV-ISS Tracked Changes (175 KB)
Schematic Diagram of the Project Activity (revised) (96 KB)
Calibration Certificate for Steam flow from Boiler-1_S-101_2009 (547 KB)
Capacity of Boilers from Boilers Manufacturing Data Record (853 KB)