I-DEV0334: Deviation for installation of meter at backup line with lower accuracy than that described in the monitoring plan of the registered PDD

Reference I-DEV0334
Submitted by SGS (15 Sep 2010)
Project activity 1310: Guohua Qiqihaer Fuyu 1st Stage Wind Farm Project
Selected monitoring period 01 Feb 2009 - 31 May 2010
Title/subject of deviation Deviation for installation of meter at backup line with lower accuracy than that described in the monitoring plan of the registered PDD
SGS is performing the periodic verification of the registered CDM project, Guohua Qiqihaer Fuyu 1st stage wind farm project, UNFCCC ref. no. 1310. During the assessment process, we identified that the implementation of the project deviated from the registered PDD regarding accuracy level of backup line meter used, therefore we are submitting this request for deviation to the UN for approval before we can further proceed with the verification of the project.
The project includes 33 sets of 1500kW wind turbines that supplies electricity to Northeast Power Grid (NEPG) through Heilongjiang Provincial Grid.
The deviation is about reporting the installation of meter M2 at back-up power line with accuracy class of 1.0 at project site and used for the period from 01/02/2009 to 10/09/2010, which is lower than the requirement prescribed in the registered PDD (i.e. 0.5S).
The monitoring plan states that the power delivered to the project through a back-up power line is metered by instruments M2 (page 31/53 of the registered PDD). All the metering instruments are certified by the China Electricity Research Institute and have a minimum accuracy in accordance with Accuracy Class 0.5S (page 32/53 of the registered PDD).

During the assessment process, it was found that meter with accuracy class of 1.0 had been installed and it had been put into use in the monitoring period starting from 01/02/2009 until a new meter with accuracy class of 0.5S was installed on 10/09/2010. The detailed information of meter installation and replacement are as following:

Type Accuracy Class S/N Position
Meter originally installed and replaced on 31/05/2010 DTSD110 1.0 04122500114813 Interconnection point between local grid company and wind farm at back-up power line
Meter installed on 31/05/2010 and replaced on 10/09/2010 DTSD180F4 1.0 2010257612 Interconnection point between local grid company and wind farm at back-up power line
Meter installed on 10/09/2010 DTSD180F4 0.5S 2010255076 Interconnection point between local grid company and wind farm at back-up power line


On 31/05/2010, a meter with accuracy level of 1.0 was installed to replace the old meter M2 in the witness of representatives from the grid company and the project owner at the project site. The location is the same as the old meter M2. Meter replacement record signed by both sides has been validated by SGS. However, the accuracy level of the meter was still not in compliance with the registered monitoring plan.
On 10/09/2010, a new meter with accuracy level of 0.5S was installed to replace the meter M2 installed on 31/05/2010 in the witness of representatives from the grid company and the project owner at the project site. The location is the same to previous meter M2. Meter replacement record signed by both sides has been validated by SGS. The accuracy class of the backup line meter M2 newly installed is in compliance with the registered PDD. (i.e. 0.5S)
The above said non-compliance is not a permanent deviation from the registered monitoring plan, therefore a deviation other than revision of monitoring plan is proposed. Taking into account that the backup line was not put into use and therefore the aggregated value of old meter M2 (SN:04122500114813) with accuracy class of 1.0 was zero during the 1st monitoring period (from 17/12/2007 to 31/01/2009) as per first verification report (http://cdm.unfccc.int/UserManagement/FileStorage/BKA8OHXLJP76F9CVRW5NDT2EGQ0M43), the issuance of CERs of the first monitoring period was not affected. The deviation is covering the period from 01/02/2009 to 10/09/2010.

It has been verified that calibrations have been done once per year as per registered monitoring plan by checking relevant valid calibration records of the backup line meter. 1.0% of the total value of the EDM2 will be added when performing ERs calculation for conservativeness, taking into account the impact induced by the lower accuracy of M2 than registered monitoring plan. This measure should be applied to the monitoring period from 01/02/2009 to 10/09/2010.
The deviation is about reporting the meter M2 in backup line with lower meter accuracy than what is required in registered PDD in the period from 01/02/2009 to 10/09/2010 because the project participant did not implement the monitoring plan properly according to the registered PDD during the concerned monitoring period. Thus the deviation does not require an amendment to the approved methodology ACM0002 version 06. Furthermore, this non-compliance is not a permanent deviation from the registered monitoring plan, therefore a deviation other than revision of monitoring plan is proposed. Lastly, this non-compliance does not impact the implementation of the project activity, hence request for change of the registered project design document is not proposed.
By checking against the meter readings and sales receipts for M2, it is confirmed that the back-up line was not used for the 1st monitoring period from 17/12/2007 to 31/01/2009 but has been used during the period from 01/02/2009 to 10/09/2010. The aggregated value of meter M2 was zero for the 1st monitoring period but positive for the period from 01/02/2009 to 10/09/2010. Therefore, the lower accuracy class of meter M2 only impact the calculation of the emission reductions for the period from 01/02/2009 to 10/09/2010 and the impact is very small because a tiny amount of electricity (<0.01% of net electricity supplied to the grid) was imported through the backup line which was designed to be used under emergency case when the main line is not accessible.
Annexes (Ref - 1) Tabular Representation (49 KB)
Link to the documentation made available at validation stage or monitoring report Link to relevant documentation
Signed form Signed form (191 KB)
Decision This request for deviation has been accepted.

The Chair has accepted the proposed request for deviation to the monitoring and reporting process for the second monitoring period (from 1 February 2009 to 31 May 2010) and part of the subsequent monitoring period (till 10 September 2010).

Current status 03 Nov 2010 - Deviation accepted
Historic statuses 15 Sep 2010 - Submission received
11 Oct 2010 - Successfully passed the Completeness Check
19 Oct 2010 - Awaiting EB decision