20:16 11 Mar 25
I-DEV0406: Request for deviation for missing electricity meter, measuring the electricity consumption for the ancillary decanter facility
Reference | I-DEV0406 | |
Submitted by | DNV (04 Mar 2011) | |
Project activity | 1993: Siam Quality Starch Wastewater Treatment and Energy Generation Project in Chaiyaphum, Thailand | |
Selected monitoring period | 15 Apr 2009 - 30 Nov 2009 | |
Title/subject of deviation | Request for deviation for missing electricity meter, measuring the electricity consumption for the ancillary decanter facility | |
Description |
The validated PDD and the underlying monitoring methodology for the project in question require direct monitoring of the electricity consumed by the project activity. The project participant requests for a deviation to allow for the theoretically conservative calculation of electricity consumed during the period where the electricity meter was not installed to measure the electricity consumed by the decanter facility.
Specifically, for the period prior to the installation of the electricity meter, the project proponent has adopted the calculation approach introduced in more recent versions of AMS-III.H (versions 14, 15, and 16), which allows for the calculation of the electricity consumption in the following manner: “Alternatively it shall be assumed that all relevant electrical equipment operate at full rated capacity, plus 10% to account for distribution losses, for 8760 hours per annum”. Thus, in this proposed calculation it is assumed that all project activity equipment operate at full rated capacity, plus 10% to account for distribution losses, for 8 760 hours per annum. Qelec_cons,y = [rated capacity of equipment (kW) x 24 (hr/day) x 365 (days/year)] x 1.1 The 10% is to account for distribution losses. Reason for the deviation request: The project activity has two sources of electricity consumption. One is for the biogas facility, and the other for the ancillary decanter facility, located a few hundred meters away from the biogas facility. The project participant has directly monitored the electricity consumption for the biogas facility, in accordance with AM0013, version 4 and the registered monitoring plan. This request for deviation is in relation to the electricity consumed at the ancillary decanter facility, for which an electricity meter was not installed during the first monitoring period, which is the subject of this deviation request. |
Assessment |
The proposed deviation from the monitoring plan does not require an amendment to the approved monitoring plan used by the project activity, as the deviation is only for a specific period up to the date of the installation of the second electricity meter for the ancillary decanter facility, which is in the second monitoring period. Also, the deviation does not involve permanent changes to the project activity as described in the registered PDD.
Impact |
The rated capacity of the equipment used for the ancillary decanter facility has been verified by DNV to be 80.5 kW*. The assumption is that the equipment is running at full load at 24 hours a day during the deviation period,
as per the equation above, whereas based on operational records of the decanter facility (which is operated only in one of three shifts per day and stopped entirely when the host starch factory is not in operation), the equipment is run much less than a third of the time. Hence, the deviation request for this parameter is deemed to be conservative. *decanter system.xls |
Annexes |
![]() |
Link to the documentation made available at validation stage or monitoring report | Link to relevant documentation | |
Signed form | ![]() |
Decision |
![]() The Chairs have accepted the request for deviation to the monitoring and reporting process for the first monitoring period, from 15 April 2009 to 30 November 2009. |
Current status | 03 May 2011 - Deviation accepted | |
Historic statuses |
04 Mar 2011 -
Submission received 01 Apr 2011 - Successfully passed the Completeness Check 19 Apr 2011 - Awaiting EB decision |
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