03:40 07 Mar 25
I-DEV0319: Request for deviation for missing total biogas meter for a period of 2.5 months
Reference | I-DEV0319 | |
Submitted by | DNV (15 Jun 2010) | |
Project activity | 1993: Siam Quality Starch Wastewater Treatment and Energy Generation Project in Chaiyaphum, Thailand | |
Selected monitoring period | 15 Apr 2009 - 30 Nov 2009 | |
Title/subject of deviation | Request for deviation for missing total biogas meter for a period of 2.5 months | |
Description |
The biogas collected from the biogas digester in Siam Quality Starch Wastewater Treatment and Energy Generation Project will be utilized in four burners, two located in factory 1 and the remaining two located in factory 2. The excess biogas will be combusted in the flare system. During the 2.5 months monitoring period stated above, the parameter Qbiogas_tota,y, which is the quantity of biogas produced and collected in the digester (corresponding to ID18 “FRbio” in AM0013 version 04), was not directly monitored.
A. Lack of total meter GFM-008 for 2.5 months (the deviation) The project participant requests that the deviation be approved, as the CER calculations during this period can be based on the results of the direct measurement of: 1. Qbiogas_burner,y: the quantity of biogas fed to the burners (sub-total meters GFM-001 measuring biogas flow to factory 1 and GFM-002 measuring biogas flow to factory 2, which were in operation until 1 July 2009); 2. Qbiogas_burner,y: the quantity of biogas fed to the burners (four individual flow meters (GFM-003 to GFM-006) located at each burners in factory 1 and 2, which started operation in 1 June 2009 and replaces GFM-001 and GFM-002); and 3. Qbiogas,flare_y: the quantity of biogas fed to the flare (GFM-007). B. Data to be used for the deviation period (15/04/2009 – 01/07/2009) and period immediately following the deviation period (i) 15 April 2009 – 11 May 2009 Meters in place: Sub-total meters GFM-001 and GFM-002 and flare meter GFM-007. No biogas production was recorded during this period due to plant shutdown. No provision for deviation is required during this period. (ii) 12 May 2009 – 31 May 2009 Meters in place: Sub-total meters GFM-001 and GFM-002 and flare meter GFM-007. It is suggested that the biogas flow between 12 May 2009 and 31 May 2009 will be based on the actual measurement of the sub-total meters GFM-001 and GFM-002 and flare meter GFM-007, which were properly calibrated. (iii) 1 June 2009 – 1 July 2009 (end of deviation period) Meters in place: Individual meters GFM-003, GFM-004, GFM-005, GFM-006, Sub-total meters GFM-001 and GFM-002 and flare meter GFM-007. DNV verified that large variations (i.e. beyond the permissible error of the meters) were observed between the sub-total (GFM-001 and GFM-002), individual (GFM-003 to GFM-006) flow rates during the initial period after installation of the individual meters (June to July 2009). The project participant will take this in to account by taking the lowest of the readings from the ‘Total of two sub-total meters (GFM-001 and GFM-002)’ and the ‘Total of the four individual meters (GFM-003 to GFM-006)’. (iv) 2 July 2009 – 10 August 2009 (non-deviating period) Meters in place: Individual meters GFM-003, GFM-004, GFM-005, GFM-006, flare meter GFM-007, and total meter GFM-008. The instability mentioned in (iii) above continued to be observed during the period between 1 June 2009, when the last and missing meter (GFM-008) was installed, to 10 August 2009. After this initial period, the variation between meters stabilized, with the average total fluctuation between the individual and total meters being only 1.3%, well within the permissible error of the five meters (GFM-008 at ±2% + 4 meters GFM-003 to GFM-006 at ±1%). The period between 2 July 2009 and 10 August 2009 is beyond the deviation period and therefore beyond the scope of this request. It is however noted for transparency that the project participant will take this into account by taking the lowest of the readings from the ‘Total meter (GFM-008)’ and the ‘Total of the four individual meters (GFM-003 to GFM-006)’. |
Assessment |
The deviation request does not require a revision of monitoring plan or the changes from the project activity as described in the registered project design document.
The deviation is limited to a period of 2.5 months from the start of the crediting period on 15 April 2009 (until 1 July 2009). The project participant installed the total meter in late June 2009 and commissioned it in 2 July 2009. |
Impact |
The deviation does not impact the estimate of emission reductions as the methodology AM0013 version 04 is such that the CER calculations rely on the monitored values of Qbiogas_burner,y and Qbiogas_flare,y. As stated above, both sets of meters and their spare had been appropriately calibrated, having been sent back periodically to the supplier in the United States.
Annexes |
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Link to the documentation made available at validation stage or monitoring report | Link to relevant documentation | |
Signed form | ![]() |
Decision |
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Current status | 16 Sep 2010 - Deviation accepted | |
Historic statuses |
15 Jun 2010 -
Submission received 13 Jul 2010 - Successfully passed the Completeness Check 23 Jul 2010 - Awaiting DOE input 09 Aug 2010 - Clarifications received 01 Sep 2010 - Awaiting EB decision |
1 clarification(s) provided on 09 Aug 2010 |
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