03:50 07 Mar 25
I-DEV0291: Deviation for the correction of the metered data due to the installation of lower accuracy meter than described one in the monitoring plan in the registered PDD.
Reference | I-DEV0291 | |
Submitted by | JQA (01 Feb 2010) | |
Project activity | 1732: Fuzhou Hongmiaoling Landfill Gas to Electricity Project | |
Selected monitoring period | 17 Nov 2008 - 31 May 2009 | |
Title/subject of deviation | Deviation for the correction of the metered data due to the installation of lower accuracy meter than described one in the monitoring plan in the registered PDD. | |
Description |
The deviation is about the correction of metered data due to the installation of lower accuracy meter than described one in the registered PDD.
*Description of noncompliance with monitoring plan During the verification, JQA realised that accuracy of electricity meter installed is not the same as that described in the registered PDD. The monitoring system which is compliance with the methodology and registered PDD is shown in the attached file titled “Attachment 1. Location of the monitoring equipments”. EGy, net quantity of electricity displaced during the year “y” is calculated with the readings of the bidirectional electricity meter according to the methodology described in the registered PDD. The electricity meter measures both the amount of electricity exported out of the project boundary (ELEX,LFG) and the amout of electricity imported to meet project requirements (ELIMP). EGy = ELEX,LFG – ELIMP The accuracy of the existing electricity meter is 0.5s, while the accuracy of the meter described in the registered PDD is to be 0.2s. Although the accuracy of the existing electricity meter meets the requirement of the national standard, DL/T 448-2000, Technical administrative code of electric energy metering, it is not cosistent with the description in the registered PDD. Therefore JQA concludes that the deviation for correcting metered data is necessary for accurate estimation of GHG emission reductions. *Solutions to address the noncompliance The use of low accuracy electricity meter may increase the uncertainty in calculating GHG emission reductions, and hence this must be addressed through the conservative treatment of metered data. JQA proposes a conservative solution as follows; For the meter with the accuracy of 0.5s, the actual figure of the metered data should fall in the following range because the maximum error for the meter is 0.5%: meter reading – 0.5% of meter reading < actual figure < meter reading + 0.5% of meter reading To be conservative, the amount of electricity exported out of the project boundary (ELEX,LFG) must be decreased 0.5% of the meter readings, while the amout of electricity imported to meet project requirements (ELIMP) must be increased 0.5% of the meter readings. |
Assessment |
The proposed deviation is about the correction of metered data due to the installation of 0.5s electricity meter. To correct the effect of low accuracy meter, it requires only multiplying a factor to metered data. Thus, no revision of monitoring plan and no changes from the project activity as described in the registered PDD are required.
JQA confirmed the followings. PPs would like to use the 0.5s electricity meter mentioned in the monitoring report during the crediting period. For the first monitoring this time, GHG emissions will be caluculated with the correction mentioned above, if this deviation is approved by the CDM EB. For the second and subsequent monitoring period for this project activity, DOE will soon request the CDM EB for the approval of revision of the monitoring plan and PPs will use the approved method. |
Impact |
Based on the first monitoring report, the correction is carried out as follows;
-Correction of ELEX,LFG Metered data for ELEX,LFG(MWh):3951.000 0.5% of correction of ELEX,LFG(MWh):-19.755 Data used for calculation of emission reductions (MWh):3931.245 -Correction of ELIMP Metered data for ELIMP(MWh):0 0.5% of correction of ELIMP(MWh):0 Data used for calculation of emission reductions (MWh):0 EGy = ELEX,LFG - ELIMP = 3931.245 – 0 =3931.245 tCO2e/MWh The emission reductions for the project during the crediting period is calculated using the following formula ERy = MDproject,y *GWPCH4 + EGy*CEFelectricity For this project activity, MDproject,y =986.853 tCH4 CO2 emissions intensity of the electricity displaced (CEFelectricity): 0.8541 tCO2e/MWh Emission reductions (ERy)= 986.853*21 + 3931.245*0.8541 =24081.589 tCO2e -Change in the value of emission reductions with and without correction Emission reductions without correction (tCO2e):24,098.462 Emission reductions with correction (tCO2e):24,081.589 Difference of emission reductions between without and with correction(tCO2e):16.873 By the conservative treatment of metered data, the emissions reductions for the monitoring period from 17/11/2008 to 31/05/2009 are reduced by 16.873 tCO2e compared with the figure directly calculated using metered data without correction. The reduced emission reductions will be revised on the basis of the final monitoring report which will be submitted for requesting for issuance. |
Annexes |
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Link to the documentation made available at validation stage or monitoring report | Link to relevant documentation | |
Signed form | ![]() |
Decision |
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Current status | 26 Mar 2010 - Deviation accepted | |
Historic statuses |
01 Feb 2010 -
Submission received 25 Feb 2010 - Successfully passed the Completeness Check 11 Mar 2010 - Awaiting EB decision |
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