Grid connected 25 MW P V solar power project at Charanka in Gujarat
Host party(ies) India
Methodology(ies) ACM0002 ver. 12
Standardised Baselines N/A
Estimated annual reductions* 33,736
Start date of first crediting period. 01 Jan 12
Length of first crediting period. 7 years
Period for comments 22 Oct 11 - 20 Nov 11
PP(s) for which DOE have a contractual obligation GMR Gujarat Solar Power Private Limited (GGSPPL)
The operational/applicant entity working on this project has decided to make the Project Design Document (PDD) publicly available directly on the UNFCCC CDM website.
PDD PDD (788 KB)
Local stakeholder consultation report: N/A
Impact assessment summary: N/A
Submission of comments to the DOE/AE Compilation of submitted inputs:
•	Why this location has been chosen for this project?
•	Will this project have impact on temperature in surrounding area?
•	What would be impact of negative environmental conditions of area upon project? What would be alternatives in that case?
•	How many skilled/unskilled people from surrounding area will be employed at this project during commissioning and operation? 
•	List of stakeholders and minutes of stakeholder meeting is not attached with PDD.

Mahesh Pandya
Environmental Engineer
Paryavaran mitra
502, Raj Avenue, Bhaikakanagar road
Thaltej, Ahmedabad – 380059 India
Telefax - 079-26851321/1801
Submitted by: paryavaranmitra

Gujarat forum on CDM respectfully submit the following comments on the Project Design Document (PDD) for Grid Connected 25 MW PV Solar Power Project at Patan by GMR ,Gujarat, India. We thank the CDM Executive Board and Designated Operation Entity (DOE) for recognizing the integral role of transparency in CDM Validation process, and for taking this comment into consideration.
The project is not appropriate for the following points

o	No justification has been given regarding the selection of sites for installation of Solar Power Project and how much land has been acquired for the purpose?

o	No information has been provided about the acquired land and its previous use.

o	No commitment has been shown by the company regarding sustainable development as well as additionality as per CDM requirement?

o	In local stakeholders’ consultation meeting, dignitaries were selected to conduct the meeting and to summarize the proceeding. In this committee Mr. Bharat Bhai Goshwani (Gujarat Power Corporation Ltd- Solar Park In charge officer) and Mr. Murtaza Bhai (Gujarat Power Corporation Ltd- site member) were selected to conduct the meeting .These two persons are directly engaged in the project. The committee should be formed of Neutral persons. As the committee was not formed in appropriate manner the stakeholder consultation meeting should be consider as invalid. 

o	The project will source water from Kutch canal through pipeline. Kutch region there is acute scarcity of water and the community has been struggling for water from decades. If canal which is mend for providing water in Kutch would be used for the industrial purpose their condition would never improve. The company is breaching the sustainable development criteria. With this action it is depriving citizen right to get water for its own profit at cost of community benefit.

Submitted by: Gujarat Forum on CDM

The comment period is over.
* Emission reductions in metric tonnes of CO2 equivalent per annum that are based on the estimates provided by the project participants in unvalidated PDDs