Wind power project in Tirunelveli, Tamil Nadu by TVS Energy Limited
Host party(ies) India
Methodology(ies) AMS-I.D. ver. 16
Standardised Baselines N/A
Estimated annual reductions* 29,277
Start date of first crediting period. 30 Sep 11
Length of first crediting period. 10 years
DOE/AE Bureau Veritas India Pvt. Ltd.
Period for comments 07 Mar 11 - 05 Apr 11
PP(s) for which DOE have a contractual obligation TVS Energy Limited
The operational/applicant entity working on this project has decided to make the Project Design Document (PDD) publicly available directly on the UNFCCC CDM website.
PDD PDD (780 KB)
Local stakeholder consultation report: N/A
Impact assessment summary: N/A
Submission of comments to the DOE/AE Compilation of submitted inputs:
How the post tax project IRR is comparable with the pretax Bench mark rate?
Submitted by: S B

A sum of Rs.0.75 lakh / MWH is payable to IREDA as per page 16 of PDD and the PP is not claiming accelerated depreciation. Hence the fee is for Generation based incentive (GBI)? Whether GBI has been considered for arriving at IRR?
Submitted by: S B

The PP states that they have considered 80% accelerated depreciation. However the PDD is silent on the tax 

shielding as a result from accelerated depreciation.
PPs cleverly do not consider the accounting tax offsetting in their companies while calculating the IRR. 

This is evident from the recently registered projects and those requesting registration.  
The DOE is therefore requested to critically analyze how the accelerated depreciation benefit has been 

taken into account and confirm the accounting of the cash inflows as a result of the negative tax 

liability in the initial years. DOE should not be misguided by the financial presented by the PP or 

consultant which are custom made for CDM purposes and not the actual financial considered at the 

investment decision.
Note that considering cash inflows results in an increase in the IRR making wind projects a profitable 


Please also check the offer from WTG supplier and Purchase Order while validating the PLF. It may be so 

that the third party report may indicate a lower PLF. The third party report can be forge just to indicate 

a lower PLF. Also cross check with tariff order.

Does the wind assessment report mention on the de-rating? 

Why transmission loss are accounted? Metering in Tamilnadu is done at the WTG transmission yard and there is no losses greater than 0.5% for transformer step up. How this is determined and conservative?

Is PP also claiming REC? How can DOE ensure that REC is not claimed during project operation?

Land cost and insurance cost seems to be high. Compare with actual costs.
Submitted by: Babloo

The PP states that they have considered 80% accelerated depreciation. However the PDD is silent on the tax shielding as a result from accelerated depreciation.
PPs cleverly do not consider the accounting tax offsetting in their companies while calculating the IRR. This is evident from the recently registered projects and those requesting registration.  

The DOE is therefore requested to critically analyze how the accelerated depreciation benefit has been taken into account and confirm the accounting of the cash inflows as a result of the negative tax liability in the initial years. DOE should not be misguided by the financial presented by the PP or consultant which are custom made for CDM purposes and not the actual financial considered at the investment decision.
Note that considering cash inflows results in an increase in the IRR making wind projects a profitable venture.

Please also check the offer from WTG supplier and Purchase Order while validating the PLF. It may be so that the third party report which is made after investment decision making - indicates a lower PLF.
The PLF seems to be very low. Also check the tariff order.

No details are provided on the beta estimation. Is the beta levered or unlevered and what is the reason?? How is the beta appropriate for irr chosen?

Stakeholder consultation:
No details provided on which all stakeholders attended the meeting. 

The benchmark is too high. Even after considering CDM benefits the IRR will not cross the benchmark. Then WHY did the PP go ahead with this non-profitable venture??
This clearly indicates the benchmark is made high just to prove additionality and is not the real benchmark expected by the PP.

Why has the PP considered Reliance Infrastructure Ltd for beta determination when Reliance Infrastructure Ltd. has many other businesses other than pure power generation? How come the risk profile of Reliance Infrastructure Ltd match with the project activity which involves wind electricity generation?

What is the vintage considered for beta determination? Is considering only one year appropriate?
Why tax computations for beta are only considered for one year?? What is the basis for considering a particular vintage for the market returns, beta estimation and risk free returns?

Why the particular index is considered for calculating the market returns? DOE to evaluate whether the PP has made any other investments considering the same index. Only because a particular index results in a higher benchmark??

Project cost seems to be very high. Are the quotations real or fabricated?

Are REC benefits being claimed? How will the DOE ensure that the PP does not claim REC benefits during project operation?

DOE to submit a negative opinion in case the IRR does not cross the benchmark even after considering CDM benefits as it clearly indicates the projects unviability in any case. Why would any one invest in a loss making venture? 

And if the PP can still go ahead with the project - it indicates that the benchmark is fabricated and is not considered by the PP while making the investment decision!! DOE to validate this critically!! How are the investment decisions really made???

DOE to check if the financials correctly apply the 10 year tax holiday - i.e. not liable for taxes for 10 years from the initial 15 years. PP may show taxation with the logic of cumulative losses - which is totally incorrect!!
Submitted by: Babloo

The comment period is over.
* Emission reductions in metric tonnes of CO2 equivalent per annum that are based on the estimates provided by the project participants in unvalidated PDDs