Combined cycle electricity generation activity at Gurgaon, India
Host party(ies) India
Methodology(ies) AMS-III.AL.
Standardised Baselines N/A
Estimated annual reductions* 40,245
Start date of first crediting period. 01 Apr 12
Length of first crediting period. 10 years
Period for comments 25 Feb 11 - 26 Mar 11
PP(s) for which DOE have a contractual obligation Maruti Suzuki India Ltd.
The operational/applicant entity working on this project has decided to make the Project Design Document (PDD) publicly available directly on the UNFCCC CDM website.
PDD PDD (610 KB)
Local stakeholder consultation report: N/A
Impact assessment summary: N/A
Submission of comments to the DOE/AE Compilation of submitted inputs:
1.  How GHG emissions will be reduced on account of the proposed project activity is not provided in the PDD.

2.  What is the power demand of the plant? What is the source of power prior to project activity? It is not clear whether only grid was the source before implementation of the proposed project activity. 
3.  When was the plant commissioned? What is the status of the proposed project activity? How long flue gas is being wasted without utilized?
 4.  Provided data unit for net calorific value of natural gas is wrong DOE has to validate, refer section B.6.2.
5. Why the PP did not mention other barriers like technical, Infrastructure barrier etc. for the additionality.
Submitted by: mathew

The comment period is over.
* Emission reductions in metric tonnes of CO2 equivalent per annum that are based on the estimates provided by the project participants in unvalidated PDDs