Yan Tann Sien Hydropower Project
Host party(ies) Viet Nam
Methodology(ies) ACM0002 ver. 8
Standardised Baselines N/A
Estimated annual reductions* 39,752
Start date of first crediting period. 01 Apr 11
Length of first crediting period. 7 years
Period for comments 31 Jan 09 - 01 Mar 09
The operational/applicant entity working on this project has decided to make the Project Design Document (PDD) publicly available directly on the UNFCCC CDM website.
PDD PDD (749 KB)
Local stakeholder consultation report: N/A
Impact assessment summary: N/A
Submission of comments to the DOE/AE Compilation of submitted inputs:
I would like to comment on the PDD as bellows:

Baseline Emission Factor:

In the Baseline Information in Annex 3 of PDD, the project developer provided the fuel consumption volume of Coal Fired Power Plants ( Pha Lai 1, 2, Na Duong, Cao Ngan, Uong Bi, Ninh Binh) was all not precise, for example, in the public report of 35 year of operation of Ninh Binh Coal Fired Power Plant, in 2007, the coal consumption was 564 g/kwh with the total 2007 electricity generated was 728.954 GWh so the total coal consumption was 411,130 ton but in the data sheet in annex 3 is 530 kt, it is much higher than actual consumption, the Coal Fuel Consumption in 2005 and 2006 was also much higher than actual data.

NCV of Coal:

The data of NCV of coal used in the power plants in the annex 3 was not precise, for example, for Pha Lai 1 and 2 coal power plant, in the coal purchasing contract No. 25/HĐ/TKV-PLPC signed with Vietnam Coal Group dated 24 Feb. 2006 , the plant used standard coal No. 4b and 5 with the public NCV of Vietnam Coal Group was different from the baseline information in annex 3, furthermore, in Pha Lai power plant, it is using sub-fuel is FO not DO as the data in annex 3, the other NCV value in other coal plants (Na Duong, Cao Ngan, Ninh Binh) was also not precise as the actual.

Submitted by: Lan Huong

I would like to comment on the PDD as bellows:

Baseline Emission Factor:

In the Baseline Information in Annex 3 of PDD, the project developer provided the fuel consumption volume of Coal Fired Power Plants ( Pha Lai 1, 2, Na Duong, Cao Ngan, Uong Bi, Ninh Binh) was all not precise, for example, in the public report of 35 year of operation of Ninh Binh Coal Fired Power Plant, in 2007, the coal consumption was 564 g/kwh with the total 2007 electricity generated was 728.954 GWh so the total coal consumption was 411,130 ton but in the data sheet in annex 3 is 530 kt, it is much higher than actual consumption, the Coal Fuel Consumption in 2005 and 2006 was also much higher than actual data.

NCV of Coal:

The data of NCV of coal used in the power plants in the annex 3 was not precise, for example, for Pha Lai 1 and 2 coal power plant, in the coal purchasing contract No. 25/HĐ/TKV-PLPC signed with Vietnam Coal Group dated 24 Feb. 2006 , the plant used standard coal No. 4b and 5 with the public NCV of Vietnam Coal Group was different from the baseline information in annex 3, furthermore, in Pha Lai power plant, it is using sub-fuel is FO not DO as the data in annex 3, the other NCV value in other coal plants (Na Duong, Cao Ngan, Ninh Binh) was also not precise as the actual.

Submitted by: Lan Huong

The comment period is over.
* Emission reductions in metric tonnes of CO2 equivalent per annum that are based on the estimates provided by the project participants in unvalidated PDDs