08:11 25 Feb 25
Issuance Request for Review Form
CDM project activity/programme of activities issuance request review form (CDM-ISSR-FORM) (Version 03.0) |
Project title of the project activity or programme of activities (PoA) for which issuance is requested | Hui’an MSW Incineration Project (5828) |
DOE that requested for issuance and date of request | CTI Certification (22 Oct 22) |
Please indicate, in accordance with paragraphs 65 of the CDM modalities and procedures, for which reason(s) you request review | |
Incompetence | |
Please indicate reasons for the request for review | |
1) Section D.3 of the submitted monitoring report states that the monitoring of the project activity does not include sampling. However, as per the registered monitoring plan in the PDD (pages 61-62), the monitoring report (pages 17-19), and verification report (pages 14-15), the Pn,i,y (Weight fraction of the waste type i in the sample n collected during the year y) and FCFi (Faction of fossil carbon in total carbon of waste type i) are to be monitored as per a sampling plan with the following requirements (in line with page 27 of AM0025, v.12): the size and frequency of sampling should be statistically significant with a maximum uncertainty range of 20% at a 95% confidence level. The PP/DOE are requested to provide this sampling information and the verification opinion in the submitted documentation. Please refer to paragraph 261 of the VS-PA, v.03.0 and paragraph 362 of the VVS, v.03.0. 2) As per the Verification Report (page 25) and the spreadsheet submitted TAG ¨Project Emissions¨ CELLS-B16 to K16, the values for FCFi are fixed while as per pages 61-62 of the registered monitoring plan it must be measured by the project participants, where the size and frequency of the sampling should be statistically significant with a maximum uncertainty range of 20% at a 95% confidence level. The PP/DOE are requested to clarify how the monitoring of the FCFi complies with all the requirements as per the registered monitoring plan. Please refer to paragraphs 362 and 363 of the VVS, v.03.0 and paragraphs 260c and 261 of the VS-PA, v.03.0.. |
Date | 28 Dec 22 |
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