Project 1546 : Straw generation project in Wei county Hebei province, P.R. China
Project title Straw generation project in Wei county Hebei province, P.R. China
- project design document (975 KB) (accepted - 01 Mar 2012 - - view previous)

PDD appendices
Appendix 1 - Revised PDD Tracked Changes (1180 KB)
Appendix 2 - Notification (51 KB)
Appendix 3 - IRR Spreadsheet With CDM Revenue (43 KB)
Appendix 4 - IRR Spreadsheet Without CDM Revenue (43 KB)

- registration request form (149 KB)
SDC description report Not Available. Please refer to our Further Information on SD-Tool
Host Parties China , involved indirectly approval (88 KB) authorization (88 KB)
Authorized Participants: National Bio Energy Co., Ltd.
Other Parties Involved United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland , involved indirectly approval (67 KB) authorization (67 KB)
Authorized Participants: Climate Change Capital Carbon Fund II s.à r.l. (withdrawn) ; Climate Change Capital Carbon Managed Account Limited (withdrawn as of 05/07/2016)
Switzerland , involved indirectly approval (37 KB) authorization (37 KB)
Authorized Participants: Climate Change Capital Carbon Managed Account Limited (withdrawn as of 05/07/2016)
Sectoral scopes 1 : Energy industries (renewable - / non-renewable sources)
Activity Scale LARGE
Methodologies Used ACM0006 ver. 4 - Consolidated methodology for grid-connected electricity generation from biomass residues
Standardized baselines used N/A
Amount of Reductions 130,638 metric tonnes CO2 equivalent per annum
Fee level USD 24627.6
Validation Report Validation report (452 KB) Public availability information
Link to information uploaded for public availability

Validation opinion on changes in PDD (321 KB)
Modalities of Communication
Modalities of Communication valid as of 12/11/2015
MoC Annex 2 (Change/update authorized signatory, name or contact details) valid as of 13/05/2022
MoC Annex 2 (Withdraw Project Participant) valid as of 05/07/2016
MoC Annex 2 (Change/update authorized signatory, name or contact details) valid as of 24/06/2016
MoC Annex 2 (Withdraw Project Participant) valid as of 11/11/2015
MoC Annex 2 (Change/update authorized signatory, name or contact details) valid as of 14/05/2014
MoC Annex 2 (Change/update authorized signatory, name or contact details) valid as of 11/11/2010
Registration Date 25 Jun 08   (view history)  
Crediting Period 25 Jun 08 - 24 Jun 15 (Renewable)

Subsequent crediting period(s): 25 Jun 15 - 24 Jun 22
Requests for Issuance
and related documentation

Monitoring report: 25 Jun 2008 - 31 Jan 2009 (127 KB)
Issuance request state: Rejected
CERs requested up to 31 December 2012: 100420
[Full view and history]

Monitoring report: 01 Feb 2009 - 24 Jun 2015 (330 KB)
Issuance request state: Awaiting issuance request
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