Issuance Request for Review Form

CDM project activity/programme of activities
issuance request review form (CDM-ISSR-FORM)
(Version 03.0)

Project title of the project activity or programme of activities (PoA) for which issuance is requestedEnergeticos Jaremar – Biogas recovery from Palm Oil Mill Effluent (POME) ponds, and heat & electricity generation, Honduras (1483)
DOE that requested for issuance and date of requestTÜV SÜD (07 Oct 09)
Please indicate, in accordance with paragraphs 65 of the CDM modalities and procedures, for which reason(s) you request review
Please indicate reasons for the request for review
The PP/DOE shall clarify:
1. How the methodological requirement of metering thermal energy generated in the project activity was complied with.
2. How the methodological requirement to compare the calculated energy generation using specific fuel consumption and fuel consumed in the project, and the metered energy and choosing lower of the two for emission reductions was complied with.
3. How the DOE verifies that the applied methodology AMS I.C.v.11 is applicable to the power generation system of the project activity(gas engines).
4. How the fossil fuel consumed in the boilers were measured as required by the applied methodology.
Date 13 Jan 10