23:32 22 Dec 24
Issuance Request for Review Form
CDM project activity/programme of activities issuance request review form (CDM-ISSR-FORM) (Version 03.0) |
Project title of the project activity or programme of activities (PoA) for which issuance is requested | AWMS Methane Recovery Project MX06-S-37, Sinaloa and Sonora, México (0511) |
DOE that requested for issuance and date of request | DNV (19 Mar 12) |
Please indicate, in accordance with paragraphs 65 of the CDM modalities and procedures, for which reason(s) you request review | |
Incompetence | |
Please indicate reasons for the request for review | |
1) The PDD (page 20) states that "methane concentration is determined with CO2 content testing and is obtained with a gas analyzer using the “Orsat” method of volumetric analysis involving chemical absorption of a sample gas. The equipment and test procedures will provide an accuracy with a + ½ percent uncertainty range". However, the Verification Report (page 9) states that "the accuracy of the Landtec Biogas Check gas portable gas analyser is according to the specifications for the equipment by the supplier (i.e. 0.5% for methane contents of less than 5% and 3% for methane contents above 15%). Although the accuracy for measuring methane content in biogas is thus less than specified in the PDD, the measurement accuracy of the Landtec BioGas Check portable gas analyser represent good monitoring practise and allows determination of the methane content of biogas in an satisfactory manner." The DOE is requested to further substantiate how it assessed that the monitoring of the methane content in the biogas has been done as per the monitoring plan, and how it assessed the consistency of the acutal accuracy of the equipment utilized with the accuracy specified in the monitoring plan. In doing so, the DOE is also requested to clarify how it assessed the application of the measured values of CO2 and CH4 in the calculation of emission reductions, considering the Monitoring Report (page 18) states that the volume of methane is calculated as "the biogas generated for each month * ((94 – CO2) / 100). This includes the 6% trace gas deduction." Please refer to VVM version 01.2 paragraph 205 (a & c). |
Date | 13 May 12 |
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