Project: 3677 Ekurhuleni Landfill Gas Recovery Project – South Africa - History
Project 3677: Ekurhuleni Landfill Gas Recovery Project – South Africa
Request for review Request 1
Request 2
Request 3

Data before review

CDM-PDD project design document (1520 KB) Tracked Changes N/A

PDD appendices
Appendix 1 - CER Calculation Spreadsheet (20 KB)
Appendix 2 - EMM NPV Scenarios without CERs (241 KB)
Appendix 3 - Ex Ante ER Spreadsheet (950 KB)
Validation Report Validation report (635 KB)

Data before approval of the request for post-registration changes on 28 Oct 2014

Link to PRC form PRC
CDM-PDD project design document (1520 KB)

PDD appendices
Appendix 1 - CER Calculation Spreadsheet (20 KB)
Appendix 2 - EMM NPV Scenarios without CERs (241 KB)
Appendix 3 - Ex Ante ER Spreadsheet (950 KB)