Issuance Request for Review Form

CDM project activity/programme of activities
issuance request review form (CDM-ISSR-FORM)
(Version 03.0)

Project title of the project activity or programme of activities (PoA) for which issuance is requestedTianji Group Line 2 N2O Abatement Project (1437)
DOE that requested for issuance and date of requestDNV (24 Feb 09)
Please indicate, in accordance with paragraphs 65 of the CDM modalities and procedures, for which reason(s) you request review
Please indicate reasons for the request for review
Further clarification is required on how:
1. The methodological requirement on EN14181 has been followed with respect to QAL1 as the certificate was issued by the equipment manufacturer rather than a third party.
2. The design capacity was correctly calculated as per the registered PDD, which defines design capacity as 902 t HNO3/day and 330 days per year.
3. The DOE accepted the recalculated normal campaign length (CLnormal) using data from a campaign that was significantly longer than the normal campaign operation (5-6 months), considering that the methodology requires to use the previous five campaigns to define CLnormal.
4. The DOE verified the conservativeness of the baseline emission factor by using NAP after deducting the weak acid quantity during process start-ups.
5. The DOE verified the Operating Hours (OH) for calculating the baseline emission factor, considering that the methodology requires that N2O values measured beyond the CLnormal operating hours should be eliminated.

6. Missing data for the historical campaigns shall be submitted.
Date 20 Mar 09