Project: 3568 13 MW Grid Connected Dandela Mini Hydel Scheme, Karnataka State, India. - Issuance Request
Project 3568: 13 MW Grid Connected Dandela Mini Hydel Scheme, Karnataka State, India.
ISSUANCE STATUS Issued (on 05 Jan 22)   completeness check: complete | info & rep check: concluded
Monitoring period 01 Jan 13 - 03 Sep 20
Monitoring report Monitoring report (168 KB)
Request for issuance Signed form (64 KB)
Amount of CERs CERs issued from 01 Jan 2013 until 31 December 2020: 101,240
Serial Range: Block start: IN-5-275970959-2-2-0-3568     Block end: IN-5-276072198-2-2-0-3568
Verification and certification reports VVS/VVM version: VVS-PA 2.0
Certification report (215 KB)
Verification report (215 KB)
Additional documents Untitled (uploaded 19 Aug 21 13:39:25) (169 KB)
Untitled (uploaded 19 Aug 21 13:39:24) (43 KB)