Project: 2012 Gansu Zhuoni Niuzi 30MW Hydropower Project - Crediting Period Renewal Request
Project 2012: Gansu Zhuoni Niuzi 30MW Hydropower Project

- project design document (1085 KB)

PDD appendices
Appendix 1 - Untitled (uploaded 01 Sep 15 03:35:10) (21 KB)

- crediting period renewal form (1285 KB)
Methodologies Used ACM0002 ver. 16 - Grid-connected electricity generation from renewable sources
VVS Version VVS 9.0
Standardized baselines used N/A
Amount of Reductions 66,703 metric tonnes CO2 equivalent per annum
Validation Opinion Validation opinion (493 KB)
Renewal Date 16 Dec 15 (Renewable)   (view history)   completeness check: complete info & rep check: concluded
Crediting Period (requested for renewal) 07 Feb 16 - 06 Feb 23

Other crediting period(s): 07 Feb 09 - 06 Feb 16 07 Feb 23 - 06 Feb 30
Requests for Issuance
and related documentation

Monitoring report: 07 Feb 2016 - 28 Sep 2016 (532 KB)
Issuance request state: Issued
CERs requested from 01 Jan 2013 until 31 December 2020: 36220
Serial Range: Block start: CN-5-1039919893-2-2-0-2012      Block end: CN-5-1039956112-2-2-0-2012
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Monitoring report: 29 Sep 2016 - 31 Dec 2020 (391 KB)
Issuance request state: Issued
CERs requested from 01 Jan 2013 until 31 December 2020: 317272
Serial Range: Block start: CN-5-1132393045-2-2-0-2012      Block end: CN-5-1132710316-2-2-0-2012
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