Project 1202 : Burning of solid biomass for process steam generation for beer manufacture in place of the BPF 3 fuel oil at the Įguas Claras do Sul Branch
Project title Burning of solid biomass for process steam generation for beer manufacture in place of the BPF 3 fuel oil at the Įguas Claras do Sul Branch
- project design document (355 KB) (accepted - 25 Jun 2011 - - view previous)

PDD appendices
Appendix 1 - 1202_Annex 1 (581 KB)

- registration request form (554 KB)
SDC description report Not Available. Please refer to our Further Information on SD-Tool
Host Parties Brazil , involved directly approval (53 KB) authorization (53 KB)
Authorized Participants: AMBEV Aguas Claras do Sul Branch ; APSIS Consultoria Empresarial s/c Ltda. (APSIS consulting) ; Climate Center - Center for Integrated Studies on the Environment and Climate Changes - COPPE UFRJ - COPPETEC Foundation
Other Parties Involved n/a
Sectoral scopes 1 : Energy industries (renewable - / non-renewable sources)
Activity Scale SMALL
Methodologies Used AMS-I.C. ver. 9 - Thermal energy for the user
Standardized baselines used N/A
Amount of Reductions 27,031 metric tonnes CO2 equivalent per annum
Fee level USD 3906.2
Validation Report Validation report (291 KB) Public availability information
Link to information uploaded for public availability

Validation opinion on changes in PDD (40 KB)
Modalities of Communication
MoC Annex 1
Modalities of Communication valid as of 23/03/2012
Registration Date 05 Nov 07   (view history)  
Crediting Period 05 Nov 07 - 04 Nov 14 (Renewable - Expired)
Renewal no longer possible
Requests for Issuance
and related documentation

Monitoring report: 05 Nov 2007 - 25 Aug 2009 (39 KB)
Issuance request state: Issued
CERs requested up to 31 December 2012: 46210
Serial Range: Block start: BR-5-57785778-1-1-0-1202      Block end: BR-5-57831987-1-1-0-1202
[Full view and history]