Project: 0840 Pansan Coal Mine Methane Utilisation and Destruction Project - Crediting Period Renewal Request
Project 0840: Pansan Coal Mine Methane Utilisation and Destruction Project

- project design document (751 KB)

PDD appendices
Appendix 1 - ER sheet (25 KB)

- crediting period renewal form (112 KB)
Methodologies Used ACM0008 ver. 7 - Consolidated methodology for coal bed methane, coal mine methane and ventilation air methane capture and use for power (electrical or motive) and heat and/or destruction through flaring or flameless oxidation
VVS Version
Standardized baselines used N/A
Amount of Reductions 161,631 metric tonnes CO2 equivalent per annum
Validation Opinion Validation opinion (268 KB)
Renewal Date 14 Dec 13 (Renewable - Expired)   (view history)  
Renewal no longer possible
Crediting Period (requested for renewal) 01 Oct 11 - 30 Sep 18

Other crediting period(s): 01 Oct 04 - 30 Sep 11
Requests for Issuance
and related documentation