01:50 19 Dec 24
0648 Central de Resíduos do Recreio Landfill Gas Project (CRRLGP)
- History
Project | 0648: Central de Resíduos do Recreio Landfill Gas Project (CRRLGP) |
Data before approval of the request for post-registration changes on 16 Apr 2015
Link to PRC form | PRC |
project design document (1656 KB)
Validation opinion on changes in PDD | Validation opinion on changes in PDD (186 KB) |
Data before approval of the request for post-registration changes on 16 Apr 2013
Link to PRC form | PRC |
project design document (1508 KB)
PDD appendices Appendix 1 - Revised PDD Tracked Changes (2261 KB) Appendix 2 - Notification of Changes (42 KB) Appendix 3 - CER Calculation (183 KB) |
Validation opinion on changes in PDD | Validation opinion on changes in PDD (471 KB) |
Data before acceptance of changes in PDD on 17 Jan 2011
project design document (1038 KB)
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