Issuance Request for Review Form

CDM project activity/programme of activities
issuance request review form (CDM-ISSR-FORM)
(Version 03.0)

Project title of the project activity or programme of activities (PoA) for which issuance is requestedTrupan Biomass Power Plant in Chile (0259)
DOE that requested for issuance and date of requestSGS (16 Mar 11)
Please indicate, in accordance with paragraphs 65 of the CDM modalities and procedures, for which reason(s) you request review
Please indicate reasons for the request for review
1. The DOE is requested to clarify how it has confirmed that monitoring has been conducted in accordance with approved monitoring plan and methodology, considering that the biomass mix is not homogenous as per monthly data reported in monitoring report, but NCV of biomass mixture of sawdust and bark has been measured annually and this value has been used for calculation of emission reductions.
2. The DOE is requested to clarify how it has confirmed that monitoring has been conducted in accordance with approved monitoring plan and methodology, considering that all the biomass residues (own and third party) measured at entrance of biomass power plant are assumed to be consumed in the power plant, whereas line diagram on page 33 of the MR indicates that there is provision for storage of biomass at project site. The DOE shall further clarify how it has verified the annual energy balance based on purchased quantities and stock changes.
3. The DOE is requested to clarify how it has verified consistency of net electricity and net heat generated by the project activity using the value of quantity of biomass fired, as required by the applied methodology. In particular, DOE shall clarify how it has verified the electrical and thermal efficiency of cogeneration system.
Date 10 Jul 11