Project: 0193 HFC23 Decomposition Project of Zhejiang Juhua Co., Ltd, P. R. China - Issuance Request
Project 0193: HFC23 Decomposition Project of Zhejiang Juhua Co., Ltd, P. R. China
ISSUANCE STATUS Issued (on 29 Feb 12)   completeness check: complete | info & rep check: concluded
Monitoring period 01 Aug 11 - 31 Oct 11
Monitoring report Monitoring report (402 KB)
Request for issuance Signed form (286 KB)
Amount of CERs CERs issued up to 31 December 2012: 1,756,082
Serial Range: Block start: CN-5-519743035-1-1-0-193     Block end: CN-5-521499116-1-1-0-193
Verification and certification reports Certification report (496 KB)
Verification report (496 KB)
Additional documents PA 0193 ER (30 KB)
PA0193 23rd MR_Ver.02_2011.11.23.pdf (402 KB)
Accounting eligible HFC23_Juhua MP23 by SGS assessment (30 KB)