Project: 0116 N2O Emission Reduction in Paulínia, SP, Brazil - Issuance Request
Project 0116: N2O Emission Reduction in Paulínia, SP, Brazil
ISSUANCE STATUS Issued (on 03 Aug 07)  
Monitoring period 01 Apr 07 - 06 May 07
Monitoring report Monitoring report (470 KB)
Request for issuance Signed form (375 KB)

Before corrections:
Signed form (375 KB)
Amount of CERs CERs issued up to 31 December 2012: 709,721
Serial Range: Block start: BR-5-9460694-1-1-0-116     Block end: BR-5-10170414-1-1-0-116

Before corrections:
Verification and certification reports Certification report (59 KB)
Verification report (249 KB)

Before corrections:
Certification report (59 KB)
Verification report (289 KB)
Additional documents Revised MR Vers.2 (389 KB)

Before corrections:
Revised Monitoring Report (471 KB)
Request for review Request 1
Request 2
Request 3

EB meeting: EB33
(at which the Board considers the request(s) for review, decides whether to undertake the review and, if so, determine its scope and selects a review team)

Initial comments:
DOE/PP Initial comments (112 KB)