Issuance Request for Review Form

CDM project activity/programme of activities
issuance request review form (CDM-ISSR-FORM)
(Version 03.0)

Project title of the project activity or programme of activities (PoA) for which issuance is requestedGHG emission reduction by thermal oxidation of HFC 23 at refrigerant (HCFC-22) manufacturing facility of SRF Ltd (0115)
DOE that requested for issuance and date of requestSGS (19 Aug 08)
Please indicate, in accordance with paragraphs 65 of the CDM modalities and procedures, for which reason(s) you request review
Please indicate reasons for the request for review
1. The DOE/PP are requested to justify how the emission reductions are claimed for an extra quantity (9.139 MT) of HFC-23 which was not destroyed in this monitoring period.

2. The monitoring report (p. 3) stated that the incinerator was not operated due to the lack of sufficient HFC23 for incineration, planned and unplanned stoppages and non-availability of fuel.
2-1) The monitoring report only mentioned the period when the incineration plant was not operated in 2007 rather than in 2008. Further clarification is required.
2-2) The methodology and monitoring plan require the measurement of the quantity of HFC 23 in gaseous effluent when the thermal oxidizer stops. The DOE is required to clarify how this requirement has been met.
2-3) The quantity of HFC23 in gaseous effluent stated in the monitoring report (p. 19 and p. 12) is inconsistent.

3.The monitoring plan requires continuous measurement of the quantity of power consumed for the destruction process while the quantity of power consumption in the monitoring report is calculated based on meter readings from two meter and estimation of consumption of common utilities. Further clarification is required.
Date 08 Sep 08