Issuance Request for Review Form

CDM project activity/programme of activities
issuance request review form (CDM-ISSR-FORM)
(Version 03.0)

Project title of the project activity or programme of activities (PoA) for which issuance is requestedEssaouira wind power project (0030)
DOE that requested for issuance and date of requestAENOR (29 Oct 09)
Please indicate, in accordance with paragraphs 65 of the CDM modalities and procedures, for which reason(s) you request review
Please indicate reasons for the request for review
The approved deviation (DEV0181) stated that the net electricity generation is calculated from the gross generation readings from SCADA and estimated transmission loss and the DOE stated in the deviation request that “To know the percentage of losses, the proponent used the net electricity data measured after the setting of the meters and comparing it with the gross generation, and with the recommendation of the manufacturer of the equipment, choosing the most conservative values.” Further clarification is required on how the DOE verified the correct calculation of the net electricity generation for the period of March - July 2007 as per the approved deviation considering the fact that the ‘net production in MWh’ in the spreadsheet was not calculated using the ‘gross production’ and the estimated loss (in percentage).

(Other Issues)
The DOE shall clarify how it verified that the use of 2.5225%, maximum percentage of total energy loss of the facility, is in line with the approved deviation whereas the monitored loss in February 2008 was 2.7907%.
Date 07 Feb 10