Project: 2241 Reforestation of severely degraded landmass in Khammam District of Andhra Pradesh, India under ITC Social Forestry Project - Issuance Request
Project 2241: Reforestation of severely degraded landmass in Khammam District of Andhra Pradesh, India under ITC Social Forestry Project
ISSUANCE STATUS Issued (tCERs issued in error and cancelled (18/9/2013); lCERs issued as per request (9/10/2013))
Serial Range (tCERs): Block start: IN-6-156829128-1-1-1-2241      Block end: IN-6-157234024-1-1-1-2241
  completeness check: complete | info & rep check: concluded
Monitoring period 02 Jul 01 - 20 Aug 10
Monitoring report Monitoring report (480 KB)
Request for issuance Signed form (677 KB)
Amount of CERs CERs issued up to 31 December 2012: 404,897
Serial Range: Block start: IN-7-186062922-1-1-1-2241     Block end: IN-7-186467818-1-1-1-2241
Verification and certification reports VVS/VVM version: VVM 1.2
Certification report (63 KB)
Verification report (2408 KB)
Additional documents 2241 1 Monitoring Report (1560 KB)
2241 1 CER Calculation (360 KB)
2241 1 Enclosure # 1_GPS_Mandal Area - 3070 Ha (6019 KB)
2241 1 Single Site Sheets (281 KB)

Previous submissions

Submission date Outcome
04 Jun 12 CC complete | I&R incomplete