CPA 9904-P1-0010-CP1 : Mpanda Solar Photovoltaic Power Plant
PoA 9904: Tanzania Renewable Energy Programme
CPA Mpanda Solar Photovoltaic Power Plant
cpa design document (895 KB)

Additional documents for this specific CPA
Appendix 1 - Validation report for inclusion of CPA Mpanda (685 KB)
Appendix 2 - Mpanda CPA DD ER sheet (13 KB)

Additional inclusion documents
CPA inclusion form (476 KB)
Host Parties United Republic of Tanzania
Amount of Reductions 1,628 metric tonnes CO2 equivalent per annum
Crediting Period 01 Jun 2020 - 31 May 2027 (Renewable)
Inclusion date 14 May 2019 (view inclusion)