CPA 6095-P1-0006-CP1 : Krong No 2 Hydropower Project
PoA 6095: Sustainable Small Hydropower Programme of Activities (PoA) in Viet Nam
CPA Krong No 2 Hydropower Project
cpa design document (1384 KB)

Additional documents for this specific CPA
Appendix 1 - VR (1259 KB)
Appendix 2 - IRR & ER (107 KB)

Additional inclusion documents
CPA inclusion form (118 KB)
Host Parties Viet Nam
Amount of Reductions 60,069 metric tonnes CO2 equivalent per annum
Crediting Period 01 Jun 2016 - 31 May 2023 (Renewable - Expired) . No further renewal
Inclusion date 07 May 2014 (view inclusion)