CPA 5979-P1-0031-CP1 : CPA-53. Methane recovery and combustion with renewable energy generation from anaerobic animal manure management systems under the Land Bank of the Philippines’ (LBP) Carbon Finance Support Facility
PoA 5979: Methane recovery and combustion with renewable energy generation from anaerobic animal manure management systems under the Land Bank of the Philippines‘s (LBP) Carbon Finance Support Facility
CPA CPA-53. Methane recovery and combustion with renewable energy generation from anaerobic animal manure management systems under the Land Bank of the Philippines’ (LBP) Carbon Finance Support Facility
cpa design document (394 KB)

Additional documents for this specific CPA
Appendix 1 - 5979 53 CDM-CPA-VAL-FORM (1509 KB)
Appendix 2 - 5979 53 CER Calculation (253 KB)
Appendix 3 - 5979 53 CPA-DD tracked changes (428 KB)

Additional inclusion documents
CPA inclusion form (35 KB)
Host Parties Philippines
Amount of Reductions 20,531 metric tonnes CO2 equivalent per annum
Crediting Period 01 Apr 2019 - 31 Mar 2026 (Renewable)
Inclusion date 28 Mar 2019 (view inclusion)