CPA 6573-P2-0001-CP2 : CPA-1: Landfill gas recovery, energy generation and biogas distribution from CTR Santa Rosa
PoA 6573: Caixa Econômica Federal Solid Waste Management and Carbon Finance Project
CPA CPA-1: Landfill gas recovery, energy generation and biogas distribution from CTR Santa Rosa
cpa design document (2036 KB) ( approved - 15 Mar 2022 - view previous)

Additional documents for this specific CPA
Appendix 1 - Untitled (uploaded 01 Oct 20 17:23:40) (139 KB)
Appendix 2 - CER Santa Rosa - V.9.1.xlsx (374 KB)

Additional renewal documents
Untitled (uploaded 01 Oct 20 17:23:40) (743 KB)
CPA renewal form (40 KB)
Host Parties Brazil
Amount of Reductions 1,147,291 metric tonnes CO2 equivalent per annum
Crediting Period 05 Oct 2019 - 04 Oct 2026 (Renewable)

Other period(s): 05 Oct 12 - 04 Oct 19
Renewal date 01 Oct 2020 (view renewal)