26-29 September 2017
MP 74 Annotated agenda (225 KB)
MP 74 meeting report (265 KB)
Conflict of interest overview (64 KB)
Annex 1 - Draft framework for the development of a tool or guidelines to determine standardized baselines (SBLs) for energy efficiency in residential, commercial and institutional buildings (331 KB)Annex 2 - Draft Framework: Development of new top-down methodology for the efficient operation of public transportation system (292 KB)Annex 3 - TOOLXX: Determination of standardized baselines for energy-efficient refrigerators and air-conditioners (637 KB)Annex 4 - AM00XX: Energy-efficient refrigerators and air-conditioners (525 KB)Annex 5 - AM0118: Introduction of low resistance power transmission line (678 KB)Annex 6 - ACM0019: N2O abatement from nitric acid production (700 KB)Annex 7 - TOOL 27: Investment analysis (634 KB)Annex 8 - TOOL07: Tool to calculate the emission factor for an electricity system (1230 KB)Annex 9 - TOOLXX: Calculation of the fraction of non-renewable biomass (359 KB)Annex 10 - AMS-I.E: Switch from non-renewable biomass for thermal applications by the user (707 KB)Annex 11 - AMS-II.G: Energy efficiency measures in thermal applications of non-renewable biomass (713 KB)Annex 12 - AMS-III.AK: Biofuel production and use for transport applications (560 KB)Annex 13 - AMS-I.H: Biofuel production and use for energy generation in stationary applications (493 KB)Annex 14 - Options to replace unit size criterion in small-scale additionality in TOOL21 (663 KB)Annex 15 - CDM in urban sectors (194 KB)
28-31 August 2017
MP 74-EC02 report (168 KB)
Annex 1 - TOOL27: Investment analysis (628 KB)
18 August - 4 September 2017
MP 74-EC01 report (170 KB)
Annex 1 - AM00XX "Energy efficient refrigerators and air-conditioners for households" (547 KB)
17-21 July 2017
MP 73 Annotated agenda (292 KB)
MP 73 meeting report (260 KB)
Conflict of interest overview (62 KB)
Annex 1 - “Calculation for baseline, project and leakage emissions from the use of refrigerants” (TOOL00XX); (347 KB)
Annex 2 - AMS-III.XX “Lightweight 2-3 wheeled personal transportation infrastructure”; (428 KB)
Annex 3 - “Determination of standardized baselines for energy efficient refrigerators and air conditioners” (TOOL00XX); (615 KB)
Annex 4 - Information note “Determination of standardized baselines for energy efficient appliances - refrigerators and air conditioners”; (388 KB)
Annex 5 - AM00XX “Methodology for energy efficient refrigerators and air conditioners”; (497 KB)
Annex 6 - “Combined tool to identify the baseline scenario and demonstrate additionality” (TOOL02); (574 KB)
Annex 7 - Information note “Analysis on methodologies for application of the proposed Combined Tool”; (403 KB)
Annex 8 - ACM0018 “Electricity generation from biomass residues in power-only plants”; (1291 KB)
Annex 9 - “Tool to calculate project or leakage CO2 emissions from fossil fuel combustion” (TOOL03); (458 KB)
Annex 10 – “Baseline, project and/or leakage emissions from electricity consumption and monitoring of electricity generation” (TOOL05); (603 KB)
Annex 11 - “Project and leakage emissions from composting” (TOOL13); (595 KB)
Annex 12 - “Project and leakage emissions from anaerobic digesters” (TOOL14); (518 KB)
Annex 13 - “Project and leakage emissions from biomass” (TOOL16); (698 KB)
Annex 14 - ACM0019 “N2O abatement from nitric acid production”; (695 KB)
Annex 15 - Guideline “Use of the CDM in urban sectors”; (501 KB)
Annex 16 - “Guidelines for the establishment of sector-specific standardized baselines”. (353 KB)
20-24 March 2017
MP 72 Annotated agenda (249 KB)
MP 72 meeting report (258 KB)
Conflict of interest overview (69 KB)
Annex 1 - Draft Tool: Tool to determine standardized baseline for energy efficient refrigerators and air conditioners; (573 KB)Annex 2 - Information note: Determination of standardized baselines for energy efficient appliances - refrigerators and air conditioners; (537 KB)Annex 3 - Information note: Road-testing of the: “Tool to determine standardized baseline for energy efficient refrigerators and air-conditioners”; (910 KB)Annex 4 - Draft Methodological tool: Tool to calculate baseline, project and leakage emissions from the use of refrigerants; (468 KB)Annex 5 - AM00XX: SF6 emission reduction in gas insulated metal enclosed switshgear; (403 KB)Annex 6 - Tool to calculate the emission factor for an electricity system; (1194 KB)Annex 7 - Combined tool to identify the baseline scenario and demonstrate additionality; (593 KB)Annex 8 - ACM0001: Flaring or use of landfill gas; (991 KB)Annex 9 - ACM0017: Production of biofuel biodiesel for use as fuel; (1593 KB)Annex 10 - Default emission factors for ACM0017; (142 KB)Annex 11 - ACM0006: Consolidated methodology for electricity and heat generation from biomass; (2272 KB)Annex 12 - ACM0018: Electricity generation from biomass residues in power-only plants; (1280 KB)Annex 13 - Emissions from solid waste disposal sites; (783 KB)Annex 14 - Methodological Framework: Development of new top-down methodology for 2-3 wheeled personal transportation, including infra-structure for bicycles, e-bikes and tricycles; (391 KB)Annex 15 - Guidelines for the establishment of sector specific standardized baselines. (353 KB)
8-15 February 2017
MP72-EC01 Report (163 KB)
Annex 1 - Methodological Tool: Emissions from solid waste disposal sites (791 KB)
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