Meth Panel meetings 66 - 68 (2015)


  5 - 9 October 2015

Annotated agenda (228 KB)

MP 68 Meeting Report (284 KB)

 Conflict of interest overview  (76 KB)

Annex 1 – Draft Standard: Demonstration of additionality, development of eligibility criteria and application of multiple methodologies for programmes of activities (324 KB)
Annex 2 - AM00XX: Electric taxiing systems for airplanes (433 KB)
Annex 3 - ACM00XX: Fossil fuel based cogeneration for identified recipient facility(ies) (633 KB)
Annex 4 - AM0058: Introduction of a district heating system (641 KB)
Annex 5 - ACM0012: Waste energy recovery (1384 KB)
Annex 6 – TOOL05: Baseline, project and/or leakage emissions from electricity consumption and monitoring of electricity generation (618 KB)
Annex 7 - Tool to calculate the emission factor for an electricity system (1126 KB)
Annex 8 - Analysis and recommendation on the revision of “Tool to calculate emission factor of electricity system” (1187 KB)
Annex 9 - TOOL08: Tool to determine the mass flow of a greenhouse gas in a gaseous stream (584 KB)
Annex 10 - TOOL09: Determining the baseline efficiency of thermal or electric energy generation systems (447 KB)
Annex 11 - ACM0006: Consolidated methodology for electricity and heat generation from biomass (2218 KB)
Annex 12 - Draft Methodological tool: "Project emissions from flaring" (607 KB)


 31 August - 21 September 2015

MP 68-EC01_Annotated agenda  (183 KB)
MP 68-EC01_Proposed agenda (13 KB)

 MP 68-EC01_Meeting report (178 KB)


MP68-EC01_Annex 1 - ACM0001: Flairing or use of landfill gas (891 KB)


15 - 19 June 2015

Agenda (13 KB)
Annotated agenda (226 KB)

Meeting report (290 KB)
Conflict of interest overview  (76 KB)


16 - 20 March 2015

Agenda (13 KB)
Annotated agenda (221 KB)

Meeting report (299 KB)
Conflict of interest overview (74 KB)