Registration and Issuance Team (RIT)

CDM Registration and Issuance Team
The CDM Registration and Issuance Team (RIT) assists the CDM Executive Board by appraising requests for registration of project activities and requests for issuance of CERs. The team is chaired by a member of the Board on a rotating basis.

Terms of reference for a Registration and Issuance Team (RIT) (157 KB)
General Guidelines for panels/working groups (143 KB)

Registration and Issuance Team
Mr. Jean-Jacques Becker Mr. Gustavo Mozzer
Mr. Alexandre Borde Mr. Stanford Mwakasonda
Ms. Susana Chua Mr. Joseph Nowarski
Ms. Janaina Dallan Mr. Marcelo Rocha
Mr. Felix Dayo Mr. Sudhir Sharma
Mr. Ricardo Esparta Ms. Marina Shvangiradze
Mr. Shinichi Iioka Mr. Pablo Mello e Souza
Mr. Paata Janelidze Mr. Sriskandh Subramanian
Ms. Matsen Jorritsma Ms. Simone Ullrich
Mr. Vijay Mediratta Mr. Can Wang

According to the Decision 3/CMP.1 (735 KB), the Executive Board may establish committees, panels or working groups to assist it in the performance of its functions. The Executive Board shall draw on the expertise necessary to perform its functions, including from the UNFCCC roster of experts. In this context, it shall take fully into account the consideration of regional balance (Rule 32 of the rules of procedures of the Executive Board) Decision 4/CMP.1 (735 KB)