Project: 0173 Moldova Energy Conservation and Greenhouse Gases Emissions Reduction - Request for post-registration changes
Project 0173 Moldova Energy Conservation and Greenhouse Gases Emissions Reduction
PRC ref PRC-0173-001
Process track Prior approval
Methodology(ies) and/or Standardized Baseline(s)
applied at the post-registration changes
Methodology(ies) list
Standardized baseline(s) list
DOE conducted validation of the changes When performing a verification for the project activity or PoA stated above (See footnote 1 below)
Type of submission Permanent changes from the monitoring plan or the monitoring methodology
  • All changes are in Appendix 1 of the CDM project standard? No
Applicable crediting period 29 Jan 06 - 28 Jan 16
Assessment opinion Assessment opinion (395 KB)
Revised PDD Revised PDD (1811 KB)   Revised PDD - track changes (1867 KB)
Supplementary documents Appendix 1 - 0173-NPV_2014-04-07.xls (811 KB)
Appendix 2 - 0173-APPENDIX-1-02-12.pdf (584 KB)
Appendix 3 - 0173-APPENDIX-2-02-12.pdf (1459 KB)
Appendix 4 - 0173-APPENDIX-3-02-12.pdf (308 KB)
Appendix 5 - 0173-APPENDIX-4-02-12.pdf (71 KB)
Appendix 6 - 0173-APPENDIX-5-02-12.pdf (1129 KB)
Appendix 7 - 0173_Boiler samples_2014-04-07.xlsx (25 KB)
Signed form Signed form (167 KB)
DOE clarification DOE clarification 1 - 0173-PRC-02-12.pdf (418 KB)
DOE clarification 2 - 0173_3rd Clarifications on PRC_2014-03-1.pdf (238 KB)
DOE clarification 3 - Step-wise protocol for measurements & calculations of boiler efficiency.pdf (264 KB)
DOE clarification 4 - Comparison with standard AIIR Romania 2010.pdf (530 KB)
DOE clarification 5 - Table A3 of pr.EN15378 2006E.pdf (81 KB)
DOE clarification 6 - 0173_Clarifications by DOE_2014-04-07.pdf (217 KB)
DOE clarification 7 - 0173_Clarifications by PP_2014-04-07.pdf (444 KB)
DOE clarification 8 - 0173_PRJC_5th clarification.pdf (195 KB)
VVS version VVS 2.0
Current status 09 Jun 14 - Approved
Effective approval date: 06 Jun 14
Historic statuses 23 Oct 13 - Published
18 Apr 14 - Awaiting DOE clarifications
02 May 14 - DOE clarifications received
02 May 14 - Summary note being prepared
16 May 14 - Awaiting EB decision