Project: 5979 Methane recovery and combustion with renewable energy generation from anaerobic animal manure management systems under the Land Bank of the Philippines‘s (LBP) Carbon Finance Support Facility - Request for post-registration changes
Project 5979 Methane recovery and combustion with renewable energy generation from anaerobic animal manure management systems under the Land Bank of the Philippines‘s (LBP) Carbon Finance Support Facility
PRC ref PRC-5979-004
Process track Prior approval
Methodology(ies) and/or Standardized Baseline(s)
applied at the post-registration changes
No changes
Methodology(ies) list
Standardized baseline(s) list
DOE conducted validation of the changes Prior to commencement of a verification for the project activity or PoA stated above
Type of submission Changes to the project or programme design
  • Changes have an impact on: Changes to the technologies/measures
Applicable crediting period 10 May 12 - 09 May 19
Assessment opinion Assessment opinion (637 KB)
Revised PDD Revised PDD (981 KB)   Revised PDD - track changes (932 KB)
Supplementary documents
Signed form Signed form (268 KB)
DOE clarification
VVS version VVS-PoA 3.0
Current status 17 Feb 22 - Approved
Effective approval date: 16 Feb 22
Historic statuses 24 Jan 22 - Published
24 Jan 22 - Summary note being prepared
27 Jan 22 - Awaiting EB decision