Project: 10124 CDM Sustainable Energy Programme - Request for post-registration changes
Project 10124 CDM Sustainable Energy Programme
PRC ref PRC-10124-001
Process track Prior approval
Methodology(ies) and/or Standardized Baseline(s)
applied at the post-registration changes
No changes
Methodology(ies) list
Standardized baseline(s) list
DOE conducted validation of the changes Prior to commencement of a verification for the project activity or PoA stated above
Type of submission Addition of specific case CPA DDs corresponding to generic CPA DDs
Assessment opinion Assessment opinion (415 KB)
Revised PDD  
Supplementary documents Appendix 1 - 10124_ER Spreadsheet.xlsx (22 KB)
Appendix 2 - 10124_SSC-CPA-DD_SEM2_Zambia_revised.pdf (1148 KB)
Signed form Signed form (4258 KB)
DOE clarification DOE clarification 1 - FVR_clean.pdf (507 KB)
DOE clarification 2 - FVR_Track Change.pdf (509 KB)
DOE clarification 3 - Clarification.pdf (261 KB)
VVS version VVS 9.0
Current status 30 May 16 - Approved
Effective approval date: 26 May 16
Historic statuses 10 Mar 16 - Published
24 Mar 16 - Awaiting DOE clarifications
04 May 16 - DOE clarifications received
04 May 16 - Summary note being prepared
06 May 16 - Awaiting EB decision