Project: 3983 Gansu Lintan Shubu Small Hydropower Station Project - Request for post-registration changes
Project 3983 Gansu Lintan Shubu Small Hydropower Station Project
PRC ref PRC-3983-002
Process track Issuance
DOE LGAI Tech. Center S.A
Methodology(ies) and/or Standardized Baseline(s)
applied at the post-registration changes
Methodology(ies) list
Standardized baseline(s) list
DOE conducted validation of the changes When performing a verification for the project activity or PoA stated above (See footnote 1 below)
Type of submission Changes to the project or programme design
  • Changes have an impact on: None of the above
Applicable crediting period 25 Dec 10 - 24 Dec 17
Assessment opinion Assessment opinion (284 KB)
Revised PDD Revised PDD (992 KB)   Revised PDD - track changes (1050 KB)
Supplementary documents
Signed form Signed form (165 KB)
DOE clarification
Current status 08 May 15 - Approved
Effective approval date: 08 May 15
Historic statuses 09 Apr 15 - Request published