Conflict of Interest (EB85)
Discussion item\Member
Amjad Abdulla
Arthur Rolle
Balisi Gopolang
Daegyun Oh
Diana Harutyunyan
Eduardo Calvo
Frank Wolke
Hugh Sealy
Joseph Amougou
José Domingos Gonzalez Miguez
Kazunari Kainou
Lambert Schneider
Maosheng Duan
Martin Enderlin
Muhammad Tariq
Natalie Kushko
Olivier Kassi
Piotr Dombrowicki
Washington Zhakata
Accreditation cases (CDM AP meetings page:

E-0003 DNV Climate Change Services AS (DNV)
(Performance assessment)

E-0054 Re-consult Ltd. (Re-consult)
(Regular surveillance)

Methodology cases - Large Scale (MP meetings page:

AM_CLA_0267 (ACM0002 ver. 16)
Host Party: n/a
Other Parties: n/a
Private and/or public entity(ies)/Project Participants: Pedro Sirgado (Energest S. A.)

AM_CLA_0268 (ACM0019 ver.2.0)
Host Party: Republic of Korea
Other Parties: n/a
Private and/or public entity(ies)/Project Participants: Myung Hun Lee (Hanwha Corporation (HWC))

AM_CLA_0269 (ACM0022 ver. 2)
Host Party:  n/a
Other Parties: n/a
Private and/or public entity(ies)/Project Participants: Xiaodong Jia (GreenStream)

AM_CLA_0270 (ACM0001 ver. 15)
Host Party:  n/a
Other Parties: n/a
Private and/or public entity(ies)/Project Participants: Ana Paula Beber Viega (EQAO)

AM_CLA_0271 (ACM0022 ver. 2)
Host Party:  n/a
Other Parties: n/a
Private and/or public entity(ies)/Project Participants: Benjamin Massie (KCA-US)

AM0031: Bus rapid transit projects
Host Party:  n/a
Other Parties: n/a
Private and/or public entity(ies)/Project Participants: n/a

AM0076: Methodology for implementation of fossil fuel trigeneration systems in existing industrial facilities
Host Party:  n/a
Other Parties: n/a
Private and/or public entity(ies)/Project Participants: n/a

AM0084: Installation of cogeneration system supplying electricity and chilled water to new and existing consumers
Host Party:  n/a
Other Parties: n/a
Private and/or public entity(ies)/Project Participants: n/a

AM0089: Production of diesel using a mixed feedstock of gasoil and vegetable oil
Host Party:  n/a
Other Parties: n/a
Private and/or public entity(ies)/Project Participants: n/a

AM0091: Energy efficiency technologies and fuel switching in new and existing buildings
Host Party:  n/a
Other Parties: n/a
Private and/or public entity(ies)/Project Participants: n/a

AM0101: High speed passenger rail system
Host Party:  n/a
Other Parties: n/a
Private and/or public entity(ies)/Project Participants: n/a

ACM0016: Mass Rapid Transit Projects
Host Party:  n/a
Other Parties: n/a
Private and/or public entity(ies)/Project Participants: n/a

Methodological tool: Combined tool to identify the baseline scenario and demonstrate additionality
Host Party:  n/a
Other Parties: n/a
Private and/or public entity(ies)/Project Participants: n/a

Methodology cases - Small Scale (SSC WG meetings page:

SSC-NM099: Integrated methodology for electrification of communities
Host Party: Senegal
Other Parties: n/a
Private and/or public entity(ies)/Project Participants: Senegalese Rural Electrification Agency (ASER)

AMS-II.G: Energy efficiency measures in thermal applications of non-renewable biomass
Host Party:  n/a
Other Parties: n/a
Private and/or public entity(ies)/Project Participants:  n/a

AMS-III.AV: Low greenhouse gas emitting safe drinking water production systems
Host Party:  n/a
Other Parties: n/a
Private and/or public entity(ies)/Project Participants:  n/a

AMS-III.AG: Switching from high carbon intensive grid electricity to low carbon intensive fossil fuel
Host Party:  n/a
Other Parties: n/a
Private and/or public entity(ies)/Project Participants:  n/a

AMS-III.AH: Shift from high carbon intensive fuel mix ratio to low carbon intensive fuel mix ratio
Host Party:  n/a
Other Parties: n/a
Private and/or public entity(ies)/Project Participants:  n/a

AMS-III.Z: Fuel Switch, process improvement and energy efficiency in brick manufacture
Host Party:  n/a
Other Parties: n/a
Private and/or public entity(ies)/Project Participants:  n/a

AMS-III.O: Hydrogen production using methane extracted from biogas
Host Party:  n/a
Other Parties: n/a
Private and/or public entity(ies)/Project Participants:  n/a

AMS-III.U: Cable Cars for Mass Rapid Transit System (MRTS)
Host Party:  n/a
Other Parties: n/a
Private and/or public entity(ies)/Project Participants:  n/a

SSC_719 (AMS-III.AR vers. 5.0)
Host Party:  n/a
Other Parties: n/a
Private and/or public entity(ies)/Project Participants:  ClimateCare Limited

Methodology cases – Afforestation and Reforestation (A/R WG meetings page:

AR-AMS 0007: Afforestation and reforestation project activities implemented on lands other than wetlands
Host Party: n/a
Other Parties: n/a
Private and/or public entity(ies)/Project Participants: n/a

Methodological tool: AR-TOOL14: Estimation of carbon stocks and change in carbon stocks of trees and shrubs in A/R CDM project activities
Host Party: n/a
Other Parties: n/a
Private and/or public entity(ies)/Project Participants: n/a

Methodological tool: AR-TOOL12: Estimation of carbon stocks and change in carbon stocks in dead wood and litter in A/R CDM project activities
Host Party: n/a
Other Parties: n/a
Private and/or public entity(ies)/Project Participants: n/a

Request for post-registration changes

9376 Wind Power Project at Tadas, Karnataka
Host Party: India
Other parties: n/a
Project Participants: M/s ReNew Wind Energy (Karnataka) Private Limited

Issuance - Request for review case

0079 Kuyasa low-cost urban housing energy upgrade project, Khayelitsha (Cape Town; South Africa)
Host Party: South Africa
Other parties: Germany
Project Participants: City of Cape Town; SouthSouthNorth Projects (Africa); NPCAtmosfair gGmbH

Validation and verification by the same DOE

7379 Solar Thermal Power Plant by Godawari Green Energy Limited
DOE:  E-0051 KBS Certification Services Private Ltd. (KBS)
Host Party: India
Other parties: n/a
Project Participants: M/s Godawari Green Energy Limited

  • grey cell - member not present at the meeting
  • * - member has made the conflict of interest declaration to the UNFCCC secretariat
  • X - member declared a conflict of interest
  • number - member made a special statement with regard to conflict of interest (see below)
Special statements:

1. Frank Wolke: I indicate that on behalf of the German DNA I have signed the approval of this project activity. I am not personally involved in the projcet nor have I other, financial interests in the outcome. Therefore I do not see to have any conflict of interest. However to prevent any perception of any conflict of interest I will not participate in the decision of this case and leave it to my alternate member