Conflict of Interest (EB86)
Discussion item\Member
Amjad Abdulla
Arthur Rolle
Balisi Gopolang
Daegyun Oh
Diana Harutyunyan
Eduardo Calvo
Frank Wolke
Hugh Sealy
Joseph Amougou
José Domingos Gonzalez Miguez *
Kazunari Kainou
Lambert Schneider
Maosheng Duan
Martin Enderlin
Muhammad Tariq
Natalie Kushko
Olivier Kassi
Piotr Dombrowicki
Washington Zhakata
Accreditation cases

E-0006 Deloitte Tohmatsu Evaluation and Certification Organization (Deloitte-TECO)
(Partial withdrawal of accreditation)

Methodology cases - Large Scale (

Proposed Standardised Baseline: Institutional Cook stoves in Uganda (PSB0028)
Host Party: Uganda
Other Parties: n/a
Developer of the standardized baseline: n/a

Requests for post-registration changes (

5927 Promotion of Energy-Efficient lighting using Compact Fluorescent Light Bulbs in rural areas in Senegal
Host Party: Senegal
Other parties: Italy
Project Participants: Agence Sénégalaise d'Electrification Rurale (ASER); International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) as Trustee of the Community Development Carbon Fund (CDCF)


9672 Paradigm Sub Saharan Africa Cook Stove Programme
Host Parties: Ethiopia; Rwanda
Other parties: n/a
Project Participants: The Paradigm Project

Requests for validation and verification by the same DOE

1824 Wind power project by HZL in Karnataka
DOE:  E-0062 EPIC Sustainability Services Pvt. Ltd. (EPIC)
Host Party: India
Other parties:
Switzerland; United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Project Participants:
M/s Hindustan Zinc Limited; Emergent Ventures India Pvt. Ltd.; CF Carbon Fund II Limited


1856 Wind power project by HZL in Gujarat
DOE:  E-0062 EPIC Sustainability Services Pvt. Ltd. (EPIC)
Host Party: India
Other parties:
Switzerland; United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Project Participants:
M/s Hindustan Zinc Limited; Emergent Ventures India Pvt. Ltd.; CF Carbon Fund II Limited

Any other item on the agenda of EB 86

In case of a real or perceived conflict of interest relating to any other item on the agenda of EB86, please indicate this here and add the specific agenda item in the comments box.


  • grey cell - member not present at the meeting
  • * - member has made the conflict of interest declaration to the UNFCCC secretariat
  • X - member declared a conflict of interest
  • number - member made a special statement with regard to conflict of interest (see below)
Special statements:

1. Hugh Sealy: I am uncomfortable involving myself in any Board discussions involving an evaluation of the performance of or the future of the regional collaboration centres, since one of the centres is situated where I work in Grenada. Hence, I will recuse myself when this agenda item comes before the Board.