Conflict of Interest (EB91)
Discussion item\Member
Amjad Abdulla
Arthur Rolle
Balisi Gopolang
Daegyun Oh
Diana Harutyunyan
Eduardo Calvo
Frank Wolke
Gerald Lindo
Joseph Amougou
José Domingos Gonzalez Miguez *
Kazunari Kainou
Lambert Schneider
Maosheng Duan
Martin Enderlin
Moises Alvarez
Muhammad Tariq
Natalie Kushko
Olivier Kassi
Piotr Dombrowicki
Washington Zhakata
Agenda item 3.3: Issuance - Request for review cases
3067 Tunlan Coal Mine Methane Utilization Project, Shanxi Province, People’s Republic of China
Host Party: China
Other parties: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Project Participants: Shanxi Coking Coal Group Company Ltd.; Sindicatum Carbon Capital Ltd.
3180 Malan Coal Mine Methane Utilisation Project
Host Party: China
Other parties: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Project Participants: Shanxi Coking Coal Group Company Ltd.; Sindicatum Carbon Capital Ltd.
Any other item on the agenda of EB 91

In case of a real or perceived conflict of interest relating to any other item on the agenda of EB 91, please indicate this here and add the specific agenda item in the comments box.


  • grey cell - member not present at the meeting
  • * - member has made the conflict of interest declaration to the UNFCCC secretariat
  • X - member declared a conflict of interest
  • number - member made a special statement with regard to conflict of interest (see below)