Conflict of Interest (EB59)
Discussion item\Member
Akihiro Kuroki
Asterio Takesy
Clifford Mahlung
Daniel Ortega Pacheco
Danijela Bozanic
Diana Harutyunyan
Fatou Gaye
Hussein Badarin
José Miguel Leiva
June Hughes
Lex de Jonge  1
Maosheng Duan *
Martin Hession  2
Paulo Manso
Pedro Barata
Peer Stiansen  3
Philip M. Gwage
Shafqat Kakakhel
Thomas Bernheim
Victor Kabengele
Accreditation cases
E-0046 China Classification Society Certification Company (CCSC) (Initial Accreditation)
E-0049 Indian Council of Forestry Research & Education (ICFRE)
(Initial Accreditation)
E-0050 Hong Kong Quality Assurance Agency (HKQAA)
(Initial Accreditation)
E-0007 Japan Consulting Institute (JCI)
(Extension of scope of accreditation)
E-0003 Det Norske Veritas Certification AS (DNV)
(Regular surveillance)
E-0007 Japan Consulting Institute (JCI)
(Regular surveillance)
E-0010 SGS United Kingdom Limited (SGS)
(Regular surveillance)
E-0023 Lloyd’s Register Quality Assurance Ltd. (LRQA)
(Regular surveillance)
E-0040 Korea Environment Corporation (KECO)
(Regular surveillance)
E-0041 Japan Management Association (JMA)
(Regular surveillance)
E-0042 Germanischer Lloyd Certification GmbH (GLC)
(Regular surveillance)
E-0044 China Quality Certification Center (CQC)
(Regular surveillance)
(Performance assessment)
E-0003 Det Norske Veritas Certification AS (DNV)
(Performance assessment)
E-0011 Korea Energy Management Corporation (KEMCO)
(Performance assessment)
E-0013 TÜV Rheinland Japan Ltd. (Formerly TÜV Industrie Service GmbH - TÜV Rheinland Group) (TÜV Rheinland)
(Performance assessment)
E-0025 Korean Foundation for Quality (KFQ)
(Performance assessment)
E-0027 Swiss Association for Quality and Management Systems (SQS)
(Performance assessment)
E-0003 Det Norske Veritas Certification AS (DNV)
(Transfer of accreditation to a new legal entity)
Methodology cases
Host Party: n/a
Other Parties: n/a
Private and/or public entity(ies)/Project Participants: EQAO
Host Party: n/a
Other Parties: n/a
Private and/or public entity(ies)/Project Participants: Carbosur SRL
Host Party: n/a
Other Parties: n/a
Private and/or public entity(ies)/Project Participants: Promethium Carbon (Pty) Ltd
Host Party: n/a
Other Parties: n/a
Private and/or public entity(ies)/Project Participants: Carbosur S.R.L.
Host Party: n/a
Other Parties: n/a
Private and/or public entity(ies)/Project Participants: Green Development AS
Host Party: n/a
Other Parties: n/a
Private and/or public entity(ies)/Project Participants: Det Norske Veritas (DNV)
Host Party: n/a
Other Parties: n/a
Private and/or public entity(ies)/Project Participants: myclimate
Host Party: n/a
Other Parties: n/a
Private and/or public entity(ies)/Project Participants: Tricorona
Host Party: n/a
Other Parties: n/a
Private and/or public entity(ies)/Project Participants: First Climate Group
Host Party: n/a
Other Parties: n/a
Private and/or public entity(ies)/Project Participants: Agrinergy Consultancy Pvt Ltd
Host Party: Uruguay
Other Parties: n/a
Private and/or public entity(ies)/Project Participants: Fábrica Nacional de Papel S.A.
Host Party: n/a
Other Parties: n/a
Private and/or public entity(ies)/Project Participants: n/a
Host Party: n/a
Other Parties: n/a
Private and/or public entity(ies)/Project Participants: n/a
Host Party: n/a
Other Parties: n/a
Private and/or public entity(ies)/Project Participants: n/a
Host Party: n/a
Other Parties: n/a
Private and/or public entity(ies)/Project Participants: n/a
Host Party: n/a
Other Parties: n/a
Private and/or public entity(ies)/Project Participants: n/a
Host Party: n/a
Other Parties: n/a
Private and/or public entity(ies)/Project Participants: n/a
Host Party: n/a
Other Parties: n/a
Private and/or public entity(ies)/Project Participants: n/a
Registration - Review cases
3195 Shaqu Coal mine CMM to power generation Phase 2 Project
Host Party: China
Other parties: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Project Participants: Huajin Coking Coal Co., Ltd.; Noble Carbon Credits Limited; Camco Carbon Limited
3582 Zhuhai Hongwan Natural Gas Power Generation Project
Host Party: China
Other parties: Switzerland,United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Project Participants: Zhuhai Shenneng Hongwan Power Generation Co., Ltd.; Carbon Resource Management S.A.
3630 Expansion of Nature and Waste Bhalaswa Composting Plant at Delhi
Host Party: India
Other parties: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Project Participants: Nature and Waste Management (P) Limited; Climate Change Capital Carbon Fund II s.a.r.l.
3651 Sichuan Longdong 30MW Hydropower Project of China
Host Party: China
Other parties: Japan
Project Participants: Minxing Industry Co., Ltd of Baoxing County, Sichuan Province; Mitsubishi Corporation
3660 Ningxia Taiyangshan 45MW Wind Farm Project
Host Party: China
Other parties: Japan
Project Participants: Ningxia Electric Power Group Co., Ltd.; Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd.
3674 Yunnan Hongta Cement Waste Heat Recovery Power Generation Project
Host Party: China
Other parties: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Project Participants: Yunnan Hongta Dianxi Cement Co., Ltd.; British Gas Trading Limited
3738 Bekasi Power CCPP project in Indonesia
Host Party: Indonesia
Other parties: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Project Participants: PT Bekasi Power; Agrinergy Pte Ltd
Registration - Renewal of crediting period
0003 HFC Decomposition Project in Ulsan
Host Party: Republic of Korea
Other parties: Switzerland,Japan
Project Participants: Foosung Co., Ltd.; UPC Corporation Ltd.; IFJ Korea Ltd.; Ineos Fluor Japan Ltd.; IFJ Korea Ltd.
Registration - Corrections
1167 Bundled wind energy power projects (2003 policy) in Rajasthan
Host Party: India
Other parties: Japan
Project Participants: Enercon (India) Ltd; Japan Carbon Finance
Issuance - Review cases
0064 Huitengxile Windfarm Project
Host Party: China
Other parties: Netherlands
Project Participants: Inner Mongolia Long Yuan Wind Power Development Co. Ltd; SenterNovem
0887 Shenzhen Xiaping Landfill Gas Collection and Utilization Project
Host Party: China
Other parties: Switzerland,United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Project Participants: Shenzhen Lisai Development Co. Ltd ; Climate Change Capital Carbon Fund S.á.r.l.
1194 China Fluoro HFC23 abatement project in China
Host Party: China
Other parties: Switzerland,Japan,United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Project Participants: China Fluoro Technology Co.Ltd.; Climate Change Capital Carbon Fund II s.à r.l.; Climate Change Capital Carbon Managed Account Limited; Bear Stearns International Limited; Mitsui & Co., Limited; Sumitomo Corporation; The Tokyo Electric Power Company, Incorporated
1264 Sandaowan Hydropower Project in Gansu Province, P.R. China
Host Party: China
Other parties: Japan
Project Participants: Gansu Xixing Energy Investment Co., Ltd;Mitsui & Co., Ltd.
1546 Straw generation project in Wei county Hebei province, P.R. China
Host Party: China
Other parties: Switzerland,United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Project Participants: National Bio Energy Co., Ltd.;Climate Change Capital Carbon Fund II s.à r.l.; Climate Change Capital Carbon Managed Account Limited
2186 Monterrey II LFG to Energy Project
Host Party: Mexico
Other parties: Denmark
Project Participants: Bioenergia de Nuevo Leon S.A. de C.V.;International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (“IBRD”) acting as the trustee of the Danish Carbon Fund;Nordjysk Elhandel A/S;Maersk Olie og Gas;DONG Naturgas A/S;Aalborg Portland A/S;Danish Ministry of Climate and Energy
Issuance - Changes to PDD
0916 Methane Recovery and Utilisation Project at TSH Kunak Oil Palm Mill
Host Party: Malaysia
Other parties: Switzerland
Project Participants: TSH Bio-Gas Sdn. Bhd;Climate Cent Foundation
1134 ESTRE Pedreira Landfill Gás Project (EPLGP)
Host Party: Brazil
Other parties: Switzerland
Project Participants: CDR Pedreira CENTRO DE DISPOSIÇÃO DE RESÍDUOS LTDA;E conergy Brasil Ltda.; CM Capital Markets Holding, S.A.
2319 INPA Fuel Switch Project
Host Party: Brazil
Other parties: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Project Participants: INPA - Indústria de Embalagens Santana S/A;EcoSecurities Group Plc.
Issuance - Resubmission of previously withdrawn request for issuance
2432 Jiangxi Luohongkou 8.25MW Hydropower Project, China
Host Party: China
Other parties: Japan
Project Participants: Jinggangshan Longgan Hydropower Development Co., Ltd.;New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization
Issuance - Request for revision of monitoring plan
1993 Siam Quality Starch Wastewater Treatment and Energy Generation Project in Chaiyaphum, Thailand
Host Party: Thailand
Other parties: Japan
Project Participants: Siam Quality Starch Co., Ltd; Mitsubishi UFJ Securities Co.Ltd.

  • grey cell - member not present at the meeting
  • * - member has made the conflict of interest declaration to the UNFCCC secretariat
  • X - member declared a conflict of interest
  • number - member made a special statement with regard to conflict of interest (see below)
Special statements:

1. Lex de Jonge: Chair,

In respect of conflict of interest, I would like to reflect on the oath, in which I undertook to disclose “any interest in any matter under discussion before the Executive Board which may constitute a conflict of interest or which might be incompatible with the requirements of integrity and impartiality expected of a member of the Executive Board”.
In line with paragraph 4, 5, 6 and 7 of the Code of Conduct, I have therefore refrained, and will continue to refrain from

- discussing projects in which either the Dutch DNA or any of my past and present professional affiliations are involved;
- presenting or discussing evidence before the Board of a project-specific nature, which is not apparent from the documents presented before the Board,

I would like to request the secretariat, through you, Chair, to annex this statement to the report of this meeting, along with my signed declaration of conflict of interest with cases under review.

Lex de Jonge

2. Martin Hession: I have no direct or indirect financial interest in any of the subject matter under discussion at the Board but have identified a potential or perceived conflict of interest in respect of issues involving projects where participation has been approved by the UK, by reason of my residence in the UK and my employment by the UK Department of Energy and Climate Change. I have avoided active participation in any case specific discussion in respect of these projects. I have sought in all matters to discharge my responsibilities as a board member impartially throughout.

3. Peer Stiansen: I deem, in my personal case, that a conflict of interest will be deemed to exist by virtue of:

a) financial or property interests;
b) business affiliations;
c) nationality or citizenship;
d) government affiliation;
e) professional affiliations and interests; and
f) employment, family or other indirect or apparent interests

I have therefore refrained, and will continue to refrain, from discussing projects which have obtained a letter of approval from the Norwegian DNA, or where I am aware that the Norwegian government has entered, or plans to enter, into a purchase agreement. I also limit my participation to general points on cases, issues and projects where I am aware that a Norwegian entity has a substantial economic interest.