EB108 broadcast

108th meeting of the CDM Executive Board

Dates:  1 to 3 December, 9 to 11 December and 14 December 2020

Venue: Virtual meeting

Click here for the EB 108 annotated agenda and all corresponding documents to be discussed during this meeting.

On-demand broadcast

Meeting dates and broadcast*

Phase 1 of meetingPhase 2 of meeting
1 December 2020 9 December 2020
2 December 2020
10 December 2020
3 December 2020
11 December 2020
  14 December 2020

*Click on the respective day for broadcast link.


AGENDA ITEM 1. Agenda and meeting organization

Agenda item 1.1. Opening

Agenda item 1.2. Adoption of the agenda

AGENDA ITEM 2. Governance and management matters

Agenda item 2.1. Membership issues

Agenda item 2.2.  Strategic planning and direction

Agenda item 2.3. Performance management

Agenda item 2.4. Matters related to the Board and its support structure

Agenda item 2.5. Operations of panels and working groups

Methododologies Panel

AGENDA ITEM 3. Rulings

Agenda item 3.1. Accreditation

Agenda item 3.2. Registration

Agenda item 3.3. Issuance

Agenda item 3.4. Other rulings

AGENDA ITEM 4. Regulatory matters

Agenda item 4.1. Standards/tools

(a). Standards for CDM project activities and programmes of activities

Revision of the regulatory provisions on standardized baselines

Consistent use of market penetration metrics for additionality, common practice and FOIK

(b). Methodological standards for large-scale CDM project activities

(c)  Methodological standards for small-scale CDM project activities

Agenda item 4.3. Policy issues

AGENDA ITEM 5. Relations with forums and other stakeholders

- Interaction with DNA Forum Co-Chairs

- Interaction with the DOE/AIE Coordination Forum

-  Interaction with registered observer

AGENDA ITEM 6. Other matters

AGENDA ITEM 7. Conclusion of the meeting