EB106 broadcast
106th meeting of the CDM Executive Board
Dates: 11 to 13 May, 27 to 29 May and 12 June 2020 (resumed session)
Venue: Virtual meeting
Click here for the EB 106 annotated agenda and all corresponding documents to be discussed during this meeting.
On-demand broadcast
Meeting dates and broadcast*
Phase 1 of meeting | Phase 2 of meeting |
11 May 2020 |
27 May 2020 |
12 May 2020 | 28 May 2020 |
13 May 2020 |
*Click on the respective day for broadcast link.
AGENDA ITEM 1. Agenda and meeting organization
Agenda item 1.1. Opening
Agenda item 1.2. Adoption of the agenda
AGENDA ITEM 2. Governance and management matters
Agenda item 2.1. Membership issues
Agenda item 2.2. Strategic planning and direction
- Outcomes of CMP 15
Agenda item 2.3. Performance management
- CDM Executive Board workplan
- CDM Accreditation Panel workplan
- Methodologies Panel workplan
Agenda item 2.4. Matters related to the Board and its support structure
- Appointment of chairs and vice-chairs for panels and working groups
Agenda item 2.5. Operations of panels and working groups
AGENDA ITEM 3. Rulings
Agenda item 3.1. Accreditation
Agenda item 3.2. Registration
Agenda item 3.3. Issuance
Agenda item 3.4. Other rulings
AGENDA ITEM 4. Regulatory matters
Agenda item 4.1. Standards/tools
(a). Standards for CDM project activities and programmes of activities
- Non-renewable biomass in households
- Revision of regulatory provisions on standardized baselines
- Grid emission factor values under standardized baselines
- Guideline: Development of a PoA applicable to buildings
- Amendments to CDM project standard for PoAs
- Digitization of methodologies
(b). Methodological standards for large-scale CDM project activities
- Proposed new methodology NM0378
- Revision of ACM0016 and AM0031
(c). Methodological standards for small-scale CDM project activities
- New methodology: Emission reduction by shore-side electricity supply system
Agenda item 4.2. Procedures
- Performance monitoring of DOEs
Agenda item 4.3. Policy issues
AGENDA ITEM 5. Relations with forums and other stakeholders
- Interaction with the DOE/AIE Coordination Forum Chair
- Interaction with DNA Forum Co-Chairs
AGENDA ITEM 6. Other matters
AGENDA ITEM 7. Conclusion of the meeting
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