08:58 04 Feb 25
Fifteenth Meeting
Date: 1 - 3 September 2004
Venue: UNFCCC Headquarters
Martin-Luther-King-Str. 8
53175 Bonn (Germany)
Observer registration deadline: 11 August 2004
Webcast: Available as of 1 September 2004
Documents under consideration at the meeting:
- Proposed agenda (21 KB)
- Annotations to the proposed agenda (67 KB)
- Draft work programme (28 KB)
- Annex 1 - Draft third report of the Executive Board of the CDM to the COP (2003-2004) (94 KB)
- Annex 2 - Proposed agenda of the CDM Joint Workshop (12 KB)
- Annex 3 - Procedures for review as referred to in paragraph 65 of the modalities and procedures for a clean development mechanism (12 KB)
Accessibility to observers 1 : An observers room is made available to accomodate the observers that registered in accordance with the request by the Executive Board (see report of the fourteenth meeting of of the Executive Board). In addition, an internet webcast will be available similar to those available at sessions of the Conference of the Parties or of subsidiary bodies (please check UNFCCC CDM website on 1-3 September 2004 for detailed instructions). All interested are required to register through a UNFCCC admitted organization. A list of all UNFCCC accredited organizations is available on the UNFCCC website (http://unfccc.int/parties_and_observers/items/2704.php). In case of further questions please send your query through the "contact us" page.
The deadline for registration as an observer is three weeks before the meeting.
1 Modalities and procedures for a clean development mechanism (CDM):
"Meetings of the Executive Board shall be open to attendance, as observers, by all Parties and by all UNFCCC accredited observers and stakeholders, except where otherwise decided by the ExecutiveBoard."
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