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In accordance with the modalities and procedures for a CDM Decision 3/CMP.1 (735 KB) :

"29. Parties participating in the CDM shall designate a national authority for the CDM."

Parties are invited to send information on the designation of their national authority for the CDM to the secretariat.

The CDM Executive Board in its eighth meeting, with regard to validation requirements to be checked by a designated operational entity, clarified that before entry into force of the Kyoto Protocol, all Parties to the Convention may participate in CDM project activities. In accordance with provisions of paragraphs 37 (a) and 40 (a) of the CDM modalities and procedures, the registration of a proposed CDM project activity can, however, only take place once approval letters are obtained from Parties to the Convention that have ratified the Kyoto Protocol. Regarding approval by Parties and authorization of private and public entities please refer to the glossary of terms contained in Guidelines for completing CDM-PDD .

In order to facilitate the exchange of information between the CDM designated national authorities, the secretariat maintains a dedicated e-mail listserve. A DNA interested to subscribe to the list should send an e-mail to cdm-info@unfccc.int.

The table below provides the name and contact information for designated national authorities (DNA) for the CDM

Country Organization's address / Contact person


National Environmental Protection Agency of the Government of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan (NEPA)
Climate Change Division
Darulaman Road, School Street,

Mr. Zabihullah Rahimi ( zabiullahrahimi0@gmail.com )
Technology Transfer Expert
Phone: 0093770990933


  • Minimum values for forest (A/R projects)
  • ^

    Ministry of Tourism and Environment
    Boulevard "Dëshmorët e Kombit" No. 1, 1001

    Mr. Sofjan Jaupaj ( Sofjan.Jaupaj@turizmi.gov.al )
    General Director of Economic and Services Support
    Phone: (+355) 693 519 757 (Mobile)



    Ministry of Environment and Renewable Energies
    04, Rue des Quatre Canons
    Alger Centre

    Mr. Ali Kratbi ( ali_kratbi@yahoo.fr )
    Director of Climate Change
    Phone: +213 (0) 668 55 26 29
    Fax: +213 (0) 560 96 87 35
    Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Algeria
    Place Seddik Benyahia
    El Mouradia

    Mrs Latifa Benazza ( benazza@mae.dz )
    Director of Environment and Sustainable Development
    Phone: (+213) 21 50 43 18
    Fax: (+213) 21 50 43 22


    Ministério do Ambiente
    Gabinete para as Alterações Climáticas
    Rua dos Enganos, N. 5 , 4 Andar

    Eng. Cláudia Tamú de Lima Carvalho Simões ( and@and-angola.net, claudiatamu22@gmail.com )

    Phone: (244) 222 010755, cell. (244) 914 927 307

    Ministério do Ambiente
    Gabinete para as Alterações Climáticas
    Rua dos Enganos, N. 5, 4 Andar

    Mr. Giza Gaspar Martins ( GizaGM@and-angola.net )
    Phone: (244) 222 010755, cell. (244) 921 650088

    Ministério do Ambiente
    Gabinete para as Alterações Climáticas
    Rua dos Enganos, N.5, 4 Andar

    Ms. Catarina Benigna Francisco Dias ( Cdias@and-angola.net )

    Phone: (244) 222 010755, cell. (244) 923 361 976

    Antigua and Barbuda


    Ministry of Foreign Affairs
    Queen Elizabeth Highway
    St. John's

    H.E. Ms. Diann Black-Layne ( dcblack11@yahoo.com, dcblack11@gmail.com )
    Phone: +1 268 462 1052, +1 268 562 3860
    Fax: +1 268 462 2482

  • Minimum values for forest (A/R projects)
  • ^

    Secretariat of Climate Change , Sustainable Development, Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development of Argentina
    Secretaría de Ambiente y Desarrollo Sustentable
    San Martín 451,
    Piso 1, oficina 130
    C1004AAI, Buenos Aires

    Ms. Cecilia Nicolini ( cnicolini@ambiente.gob.ar, cambioclimatico@ambiente.gob.ar )
    Secretary of Climate Change
    Phone: (54-11) 4348-8200 int. 8634



    Ministry of Nature Protection
    Republic Square;Government Build N 3
    Yerevan 375010;Republic of Armenia,

    Mr. Aram Gabrielyan ( aram@nature.am )
    Head of Atmosphere Protection Division
    Phone: (374-1)53 81 87
    Fax: (374-1)53 81 87


    Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water
    GPO Box 3090
    Canberra ACT 2601

    Ms. Kate Hancock ( designatednationalauthority@dcceew.gov.au )
    Director, Transparency and International Carbon Markets, International Climate and Energy



    Federal Ministry for Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology
    Federal Ministry for Climate Action,
    Directorate VII/1,
    Stubenbastei 5
    1010 Vienna

    Ms. Angela Friedrich ( vii1@bmk.gv.at, angela.friedrich@bmk.gv.at )
    Innovation and Technology Directorate VII/1
    Phone: (43-1) 71100-611735
    Fax: (43-1)51522-7737

  • Minimum values for forest (A/R projects)
  • ^

    Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Azerbaijan
    Baku/Azerbaijan. H.Aliyev ave.10/ Az1154

    Jeyhun Hasanov ( jeyhun360@gmail.com )
    Lead specialist of National Hydrometeorology department
    Phone: +994 55 620 84 84
    Fax: +994 12 566 27 94


    Bahamas Environment, Science and Technology Commission
    The Department of Environmental Planning and Protection, Ground Floor Charlotte House, P.O. Box N-7132 Nassau, The Bahamas

    Mrs. Rochelle W. Newbold ( rochellenewbold@bahamas.gov.bs, rwnewbold@depp.gov.bs )
    Phone: (1-242) 322-4546, 1-242-326-3509



    Directorate of Environment & Wildlife Protection

    Eng. Zahwa Mohammed AlKuwari ( zahwak@pmew.gov.bh )
    Director of Environmental Assessment & Planning
    Phone: (973 )17 386644 /17 386643
    Fax: +973 17920215


    Department of Environment
    E/16 Agargaon,
    Sher-e-Bangla Nagar,

    Mirza Sahwkat Ali ( mirzasa1@yahoo.com, dircc@doe.gov.bd )
    Director (Climate Change and International Convention) & Member-Secretary, National CDM Committee
    Phone: 880-2-818 1797 (office); 880-1720222363 (mobile)
    Fax: 880-2-818 1772


    Ministry of Environment and Drainage
    10th Floor, Warrens Towers II
    St. Michael

    Rickardo Ward ( rickardo.ward@barbados.gov.bb )
    Project Manager
    Phone: (1-246) 622-1627
    Fax: (1-246) 437-8859
    Ministry of Environment and Drainage
    10th Floor, Warrens Towers II
    St. Michael
    Barbardos 12001

    Ms. Daphne Kellman ( daphne.kellman@barbados.gov.bb )
    Permanent Secretary
    Phone: (1-246) 622-1601
    Fax: (1-246) 437-8859


    Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection of the Republic of Belarus
    Department of International Relations
    10 Kollektornaya St.,
    Minsk, 220048

    Ms. Iryna Rudzko ( climate.belarus@tut.by )
    Head of Department of International Relations
    Phone: (+375) 17 200 9047
    Fax: (+375) 17 200 9047


    National Climate Commission
    Permanent Secretariat
    Avenue Roi Albert II / Koning Albert II Iaan, 20 bte/bus 8
    1000 Brussels

    Mr. Bart Naessens ( bart.naessens@vlaanderen.be )

    Phone: (32-2)553 1121
    Fax: (32-2)553 1145

  • Minimum values for forest (A/R projects)
  • ^

    Ministry of of Agriculture, Fisheries, Forestry, the Environment, Sustainable Development and Immigration
    2nd Floor, Old lands Building, Market Square, City of Belmopan

    Lennox Gladden ( coord.cc@environment.gov.bz )
    Chief Climate Change Officer
    Phone: (501) 828 5962

    Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries, Forestry, the Environment, Sustainable Development and Immigration
    Market Square
    Belmopan, Belize

    Colin Mattis ( mattisCO@gobmail.gov.bz )
    Deputy Chief Climate Change Officer
    Phone: (501) 828-5963



    Ministère en charge de l'Environnement
    01 B.P. 5554

    Martin Pepin Aina ( maina@gouv.bj )
    DNA Focal Point
    Phone: +229 96 6139 36

    Ministère en charge de l'Environnement
    Direction Générale de l'Environnement
    01 B.P. 5554

    Wilfred Mongazi Biao ( mbiaomongazi@gouv.bj )
    Phone: (+229) 66 01 44 74



    National Environment Commission
    Royal Government of Bhutan
    P.O. Box 466
    Thimphu, Bhutan

    Ms. Tashi Pem ( tashipem1@moenr.gov.bt )
    Director General,Department of Environment and Climate Change


  • Minimum values for forest (A/R projects)
  • ^

    Plurinational Authority of Mother Earth
    Edif. Mariscal Ballivián, Mezzanine
    Calle Mercado 1328 (entre Loayza y Colón)
    La Paz, Estado Plurinacional de Bolivia

    Mr. Ivan Zambrana-Flores ( ivan.zambrana@madretierra.gob.bo )
    Executive Director
    Phone: +591(2) 2188600 - 2188602
    Fax: Fax: +591(2) 2188603
    Bosnia and Herzegovina


    Ministry for Spatial Planning, Civil Engineering and Ecology of Republika Srpska
    Trg Republike Srpske 1
    78000 Banja Luka

    Ms. Srebrenka Golic ( mgr@mgr.vladars.net )
    Minister for Spatial Planning, Civil Engineering and Ecology of Republika Srpska
    Phone: (+387) 51 339 592



    Ministry of Environment, Wildlife and Tourism
    Department of Metereological Services
    PO Box 10100
    Gaborone, Botswana

    Physical Address:
    Plot No. 54216
    Corner Maaloso-Metsimotlhaba Rd.

    Mr. Thabang L. Botshoma ( tbotshoma@gov.bw )
    Director of Metereological Services
    Phone: +267 361 2200/+267 361 2272
    Fax: +267 395 6 282

  • Minimum values for forest (A/R projects)
  • ^

    Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MCTI)
    Esplanada dos Ministérios, Bloco E, s. 295 70067-900, Brasília-DF Brazil

    Mr. Marcio Rojas da Cruz ( mrojas@mcti.gov.br, cimgc@mcti.gov.br )
    General Coordination of Climate Science and Focal Point
    Phone: +55-61 2033-7923

    Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MCTI)
    Esplanada dos Ministérios,
    Bloco E, s. 295
    70067-900, Brasilia-DF

    Ms. Sonia Regina Mudrovitsch de Bittencourt ( sregina@mcti.gov.br, cimgc@mcti.gov.br )
    Science and Technology Analyst
    Phone: (+55-61) 2033-7923

    Burkina Faso

  • Minimum values for forest (A/R projects)
  • ^

    Ministère de l'Environnement, de l'Economie Verte et du Changement Climatique
    327 Av. Du Professeur Joseph Ki-Zerbo
    03 BP 7044 Ouagadougou
    Burkina Faso

    Mr. Combassere Nebnoma Alain ( ncom.alan@yahoo.fr )
    Inspecteur de l'Environment
    Phone: 00226 25 37 40 92/ 70 00 24 10



    Geographic Institute of Burundi (IGEBU)
    PO BOX 331

    Mr. Astère Nindamutsa ( rntiharirizwa@gmail.com )

    Phone: (+257) 79 431 939/+25775189489


  • Minimum values for forest (A/R projects)
  • ^

    Ministry of Environment
    48, Samdech Preah
    Sihanouk Blvd.
    Tonle Bassac
    Phnom Penh

    H.E. Dr. Sabo Ojano ( ETAP@online.com.kh, cceap@online.com.kh )
    Secretary of State, Ministry of Environment
    Phone: (855-23)218-370
    Fax: (855-23) 218 370


    Ministry of Environment, Nature Protection and Sustainable Development (MINEPDED) Cameroon

    Mr. Adama Saidou ( adsa9@yahoo.com )
    Director of Sustainable Development Promotion
    Phone: (237) 74 94 06 36



    DNA Canada (withdrawn)

    Phone: 0
    Fax: 0
    Cape Verde


    Ministério da Agricultura e Ambiente de Cabo Verde
    Direção Nacional do Ambiente
    C.P. 115 - Chã d'Areia, Cidade da Praia
    Ilha de Santiago
    República de Cabo Verde

    Mr. Alexandre Nevsky Gomes Medina Rodrigues ( nevskyrodrigues@gmail.com, Alexandre.M.Rodrigues@maa.gov.cv )
    National Director of the Environment
    Phone: (00238) 333 71 71; (00238) 516 23 60
    Fax: (238) 2617511
    Central African Republic


    Ministry of the Environment, Ecology and Sustainable Development
    Central African Republic

    Mr. Gilbert Molekpo ( molekpo@yahoo.fr )
    Alternate Focal Point responsible for the implementation of CDM projects
    Phone: (+236) 75 22 32 34



    Ministry of Environment and Fishery Resources
    BP 2115

    Mr. Mahamat Hassane Idriss ( mhi1962@yahoo.fr )
    Coordonnateur des activités du MDP
    Phone: (+235) 6621 93 40 / (+235) 9995 11 26
    Fax: +235 252 29 47
    Ministère de l'Eau
    B.P. 429
    N'Djaména - TCHAD

    Mr. Moussa Tchitchaou ( moussatchit@yahoo.fr )
    Représentant et Personne de Contact de l'Autorité National Désignée
    Phone: (+235) 252 30 81 / (+235) 66 29 14 53 / (+235) 99 92 05 58
    Fax: (+235) 252 30 43 / (+235) 253 30 40

  • Minimum values for forest (A/R projects)
  • ^

    Ministry of Environment
    San Martin 73, Santiago, Chile

    Ms. María Heloísa Rojas Corradi ( maisa.rojas@mma.gob.cl )
    Phone: 225735743

    Ministry of Environment

    Ms. Jenny Mager Santos ( jmager@mma.gob.cl )
    Head of the Climate Change Division
    Phone: 225735860


  • Minimum values for forest (A/R projects)
  • ^

    Ministry of Ecology and Environment of the People's Republic of China
    Department of Climate Change
    No. 12, East Chang'an Avenue, Dongcheng District, Beijing, P.R. China

    Mr. Lu Shize ( lushize@mee.gov.cn, cdm@mee.gov.cn )
    Deputy Director General
    Phone: 86 10 6564 5662
    Fax: +86 10 6564 5664
    Ministry of Ecology and Environment of the People's Republic of China
    Department of Climate Change
    No. 12, East Chang'an Avenue, Dongcheng District, Beijing, P.R. China

    Mr. Li Gao ( li.gao@mee.gov.cn )
    Director General
    Phone: +86 10 6564 5666
    Fax: +86 10 6564 5664
    Ministry of Ecology and Environment of the People's Republic of China
    Department of Climate Change
    No. 12, East Chang'an Avenue, Dongcheng District, Beijing, P.R. China

    Mr. Liu Feng ( liu.feng1@mee.gov.cn )
    Deputy Director
    Phone: +86 10 6564 5637
    Fax: +86 10 6564 5664

  • Minimum values for forest (A/R projects)
  • ^

    Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development
    Calle 37 No. 8-40

    Sebastian Camilo CARRANZA TOVAR ( scarranza@minambiente.gov.co )
    Director of Climate Change and Risk Management

    Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development
    Calle 37 No. 8-40

    Mr. Affif Campos ( acampos@minambiente.gov.co )

    Phone: +57 601 3323400
    Fax: +571 332 3607


    Vice-Présidence en Charge du Ministère de l'Agriculture, de la Pêche, de l'Environnement, de l'Aménagememnt du Territoire et de l'Urbanisme

    Mr. Djamal Ali Mbaraka ( djamalimbaraka@yahoo.fr )
    Phone: (+269) 3320004

    Vice-Présidence en Charge du Ministère de l'Agriculture, de la Pêche, de l'Environnement, de l'Aménagememnt du Territoire et de l'Urbanisme

    Mr. Youssouf Elamine Youssouf Mbechezi ( youssouf_elamine@yahoo.fr )
    1er Vice-Président
    Phone: (+269) 321 94 86

    Vice-Présidence en Charge du Ministère de l'Agriculture, de la Pêche, de l'Environnement, de l'Aménagememnt du Territoire et de l'Urbanisme

    Mr. Salim Ali Soilihi ( salimalisoilihi@yahoo.fr )
    2ème Vice-Président

    Costa Rica

  • Minimum values for forest (A/R projects)
  • ^

    Ministerio del Ambiente y Energia (MINAE)
    Dirección de Cambio Climático
    Apartado Postal 10104-1000
    San José, Costa Rica

    Ms. Andrea Meza Murillo ( cambioclimatico@minae.go.cr )
    Climate Change Director
    Phone: (506) 2253-4298
    Fax: (506) 2253-4298
    Côte d`Ivoire

  • Minimum values for forest (A/R projects)
  • ^

    National Agency for Environment (ANDE)
    08 BP 09 ABIDJAN 08
    Riviéra Attoban Rue I 32
    En face du Groupe Scolaire Jules FERRY

    Ms. Rachel Boti-Douayoua ( rbdouayoua@gmail.com, botirach@yahoo.fr )
    CDM-DNA Coordinator
    Phone: +225 22 43 23 10 / +225 01 03 28 95
    Fax: +225 22 43 19 57 


    Ministry of Environmental Protection, Physical Planning and Construction
    Department for Atmosphere Protection
    Sector for Atmosphere, Sea and Soil
    Ulica Republike Austrije 14
    10000 Zagreb

    Ms. Vlatka Palcic ( vlatka.palcic@mzopu.hr )
    Directorate for Environmental Management
    Phone: +385 1 3717 169
    Fax: +385 1 3782 157


    Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment, Cuba
    Ministerio de Ciencia, Tecnologia y Medio Ambiente, Linea No. 10, Plaza de la Revolucion, 10400, Havana, Cuba

    Mr. Orlando Rey Santos ( orlando@citma.cu )

    Phone: (+535) 402-3534



    Ministry of Agriculture, Natural Resources and Environment
    1411, Nicosia

    Mr. Theodoulos Mesimeris ( tmesimeris@environment.moa.gov.cy )

    Phone: (357-22) 30 38 41
    Fax: (357-22) 7749 45
    Czech Republic


    Ministry of Environment of the Czech Republic
    Department of Climate Change
    Vrsovicka 65
    Prague 100 10
    Czech Republic

    Mr. Pavel Zamyslicky ( pavel.zamyslicky@mzp.cz )
    Director of the Department of Energy and Climate Protection
    Phone: (420-2) 6712 2328
    Fax: (420-2) 71 734 226
    Democratic Republic of the Congo

  • Minimum values for forest (A/R projects)
  • ^

    Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development
    15 Avenue des Clinique (ex-Papa Lléo)
    Commune de la Gombe
    Kinshasa Bp. 12.38 Kin-I
    Republique Democratique du Congo

    Professor Isaac Kalonda Kanyama ( isaac.kalonda@medd.gouv.cd; ikkanyama@outlook.com )
    National Coordinator
    Phone: (+243) 826631495



    Ministry of Climate, Energy and Building
    Danish Energy Agency
    44 Amaliegade
    DK-1256 Copenhagen K

    Mr. Ole Emmik Sorensen ( oes@ens.dk )
    Deputy Head of Division, Global Cooperation



    Direction de l'Aménagement du Territoire et de l'Environnement (DATE)
    BP: 2091

    ( metade@intnet.dj )

    Phone: (253-35)1020/1097
    Fax: (253-35)4837


    Ministry of Environment, Natural Resources, Physical Planning and Fisheries
    Roseau Fisheries Complex Building Dame Mary Eugenia Charles Boulevard Roseau

    H.E. Lloyd Gabriel Pascal ( ecu@dominica.gov.dm, pascallloyd@gmail.com )
    Phone: 1 (767) 448-4577 / 1 (767) 266-5256
    Fax: 1 (767) 448-4577
    Dominican Republic

  • Minimum values for forest (A/R projects)
  • ^

    National Council for Climate Change and CDM (CNCCMDL)
    Ave. 27 de Febrero esq. Alma Mater Bulding Torre Friusa , 7th Floor. La Esperilla.
    Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic.

    Mr. Max Puig ( m.puig@cambioclimatico.gob.do, despacho@cambioclimatico.gob.do, despachocambioclimatico@gmail.com )
    Vicepresidente Ejecutivo
    Phone: (+809) 472 0537 ext. 226 Directo +1 (829) 471- 2911
    Fax: (+809) 227 4406
    National Council for Climate Change and CDM (CNCCMDL)
    Ave. 27 de Febrero esq. Alma Mater Bulding Torre Friusa , 7th Floor. La Esperilla.
    Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic.

    Mr. Alan Ramírez Risk ( a.ramirez@cambioclimatico.gob.do, onmdl@cambioclimatico.gob.do )
    Director Oficina Nacional Cambio Climático y el Mecanismo de Desarolla Limpio (CNCCMDL)
    Phone: (+809) 472 0537 Ext. 248 /247



    National Designated Authority for Combating Climate Change
    Fomento Office
    Rua Dom Boa Ventura No. 16
    Mandarin, Dili

    Mr. Felizberto Araujo Duarte ( fduarte.autoridadeclimatica@gmail.com )
    Phone: + 670 7860 9867


  • Minimum values for forest (A/R projects)
  • ^

    Ministry of Environment of Ecuador
    Dirección Nacional de Adaptación al Cambio Climático
    Subsecretaría de Cambio Climatico

    Mr. Paul Melo Pérez ( Paul.melo@ambiente.gob.ec, internacional@ambiente.gob.ec )
    Especialista de Adaptación al Cambio Climático
    Phone: (+593 2) 398 7600 Ext.1310



    Egyptian Environmental Affairs Agency (EEAA)
    30, Misr Helwan El Zyrae Road, Maadi Cairo

    Wael Farag Basyouny Keshk ( wael.cccu@yahoo.com, wael-ccu@hotmail.com, ccu@eeaa.cloud.gov.eg, unfccc_eg.cccu@yahoo.com )
    Manager of the CDM Department
    Phone: +20225246162 & +2022528094

    El Salvador

  • Minimum values for forest (A/R projects)
  • ^

    Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources (MARN)
    Kilómetro 5½ Carretera a Santa Tecla, Calle y Colonia Las Mercedes, Edificio MARN (anexo al edificio ISTA) No. 2,
    San Salvador., El Salvador

    Ms. Julia Maria Perez Mena ( jmperez@marn.gob.sv )
    Specialist in Climate Change Mitigation
    Phone: (503) 2132 9219, Mobile: (503) 6303-6141

    Equatorial Guinea


    Ministerio de Minas, Industria y Energía

    Sr. Don Gabriel Nguema Lima ( Gabriel_nguema@hotmail.com, Gnguema@gmail.com )

    Phone: (240) 0 935 49



    Ministry of Land, Water & Environment
    Post Box: 5713

    Mr. Mogos Woldeyohannes Bairu ( mbairu50@gmail.com )

    Phone: +291 1 120311
    Fax: +291-1-126095


    Ministry of Tourism and Environmental Affairs
    Meteorology Service
    P.O. Box 2652

    Mr. Emmanuel Dumisani Dlamini ( ed_dlamini@swazimet.gov.sz, fasidlamini@gmail.com )

    Phone: (+268)404 8859; (+268) 404 6162
    Fax: (+268) 404 1530 / 404 6438

  • Minimum values for forest (A/R projects)
  • ^

    Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change
    Addis Ababa,

    Ms. Tirhas Mebrahtu Hindeya ( tremeb1@yahoo.com, eenvironment@gmail.com )
    Director, Resource Mobilization, Project Monitoring & Evaluation Directorate
    Phone: (251) 912 464234
    Fax: 251-170-4158
    European Union


    Directorate General Environment
    BU24 3/31
    B-1049 Brussels/Belgium

    Mr Martin Hession ( Martin.HESSION1@ec.europa.eu )
    Head of Unit C2 "Climate Change and Energy"
    Phone: (32-2) 29 56 89, (32-2) 29 68 844
    Fax: (32-2) 29 69 970


    Ministry of Finance
    Ro Lalabalavu House
    370 Victoria Parade
    Suva, FIJI

    Ms. Makereta Konrote ( makereta.konrote@govnet.gov.fj )
    Permanent Secretary
    Phone: (679) 3307 011
    Fax: (679) 3308 654


    Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Finland, Unit for Sustainable Development and Climate Policy
    Department for Development Policy
    Kirkkokatu 12, Helsinki
    P.O. Box 26
    FI-00023 Government

    Mr. Miika Tomi ( KEO-90@formin.fi )
    Desk Officer
    Phone: +358 295 350 356



    Ministry of Ecology, Sustainable Development, Transports and Housing
    General Directorate for Energy and Climate Change
    Arche de la Défense - Paroi Nord

    Ms. Diane Simiu ( AND-France@developpement-durable.gouv.fr )
    Head of the Carbon Markets Unit
    Phone: (+33) 1 40 81 77 55

    Ministry of Ecology, Sustainable Development, Transports and Housing
    General Directorate for Energy and Climate Change
    Arche de la Défense

    Claire Bergé ( AND-France@developpement-durable.gouv.fr, claire.berge@developpement-durable.gouv.fr )
    French DNA and DFP for JI and CDM projects
    Phone: (+33) 1 40 81 67 72



    Ministère de l'environnement, du developpement durable de la protection de la nature, de la prevention et de la gestion des calamites naturelles
    B.P. 3903

    Ms. Marthe Minko Mapangou ( marthy.mapangou@laposte.net )

    Phone: +241 20 80 54



    Ministry of Energy
    2nd Floor Futurelec Building
    The Gambia

    Modou Manneh ( afmanneh@gmail.com )
    Senior Energy Officer
    Phone: (+220) 9835172/ 3664047

    Ministry of Environment, Climate change, Water Resources and Parks and Wildlife
    1st Floor GIEPA House
    Kairaba Avenue
    The Gambia

    Mr. Bubacar Zaidi Jallow ( bubazj@gmail.com )
    Principal Climate Change Officer
    Phone: +220 4399447/ +220 3653113
    Fax: +220 4399447


    Ministry of Environmental Protection and Agriculture of Georgia
    6 M. Gelovani avenue, Tbilisi 0159, Georgia

    Ms. Maia Tskhvaradze ( maia.tskhvaradze@mepa.gov.ge )
    Acting Head of Climate Change Division Environment and Climate Change Department
    Phone: +995 322 47 01 01; +995 591 27 67 77



    German Environment Agency, German Emissions Trading Authority (DEHSt)
    Section V 2.6
    City Campus
    Haus 3, Eingang 3A
    Buchholzweg 8
    13627 Berlin

    Juliane Steegmann, Dr. Karsten Karschunke ( Karsten Karschunke; juliane.steegmann@uba.de;German.DNA.DFP@uba.de )

    Phone: (49 30) 8903 5050
    Fax: (49 30) 8903 5010

  • Minimum values for forest (A/R projects)
  • ^

    MInistry of Environment Science Technology and Innovation
    P.O. Box M232

    Mr. Peter Justice Dery ( peterjdery@yahoo.com )
    National Climate Change Coordinator
    Phone: (+233) 302673511 / 622626 Mobile: 0243646749



    Hellenic Ministry of Environment & Energy
    General Directorate for Environmental Policy
    Division of Climate Change and Atmospheric Quality
    Department of Climate Change
    147 Patission Str., 11251, Athens, Greece

    Mr. Kyriakos Psychas ( k.psychas@prv.ypeka.gr )
    Head of the Department
    Phone: (30-210) 86 65 938
    Fax: (30-210) 86 46 939


    Ministry of Infrastructure Development, Public Utilities, Energy, Transport and Implementation
    Ministerial Complex
    Sir Eric Matthew Gairy Botanical Garden, Tanteen, St. George's

    Ms.Kim Frederick ( registry@moiid.gov.gd, pssec@pue.gov.gd, ps@pue.gov.gd )
    Permanent Secretary
    Phone: +1 473 440 2271 - 4
    Fax: +1 473 440 4122
    Ministry of Infrastructure Development, Public Utilities, Energy, Transport and Implementation
    Ministerial Complex, Sir Eric Matthew Gairy Botanical garden, Tanteen, St. George's

    Mr. Christopher Joseph ( energydivisionou@gmail.com, pssec@pue.gov.gd )
    Energy Officer
    Phone: (473) 435 8708
    Fax: (473) 440-4122

  • Minimum values for forest (A/R projects)
  • ^

    Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources
    7 Avenue 03-67 zone 13

    Anna Cristina Bailey Hernandez ( acbailey@marn.gob.eg; iimencos@marn.gob.gt; )
    Vice Minister
    Phone: (502) 2423-0500 ext. 1200; 1230 and 1231

    Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources
    7 Avenue, 03-67 zone 13.Guatemala, Guatemala

    Maria Jose Iturbide Flores ( mjiturbidef@marn.gob.gt; hmhernandez@marn.gob.gt; lmbalconi@marn.gob.eg )
    Phone: +502 2423-0500 ext. 2608 and 2306



    Ministère de l'Environnement, des Eaux et Forêts

    Mr. Abdel Kader Bangoura ( ak_bangoura@yahoo.fr, afayatraore@gmail.com, aftraore@yahoo.fr )
    Ingénieur, Point focal national AND - Chef de Division Suivi et Evaluation des projets/programmes - Bureau de Stratégie et de Développement - Cabinet du Ministre B.P: 4665 Commune de Kaloum
    Phone: +224 622 25 68 00 / 654 26 00 25 / 664 39 97 67

    Ministère de l'Environnement, des Eaux et Forêts

    Mr. Abou Cisse ( cisse_abou@yahoo.fr )
    Ingénieur de Génie Rural, Directeur National de l"Environnement
    Phone: +224 662 51 55 57/620 86 23 64

    Ministère de l'Environnement, des Eaux et Forêts

    Mme. Oumou Doumbouya ( oumoudoumbouya@yahoo.fr )
    Ingénieur, Coordinatrice du Projet Régional PCB
    Phone: +224 622 49 82 03



    Secretaria de Estado do Ambiente e Desenvolvimento Durável
    Bairro Santa Luzia, Antiga QG - Bissau
    República da Guiné-Bissau

    Viriato Luís Soares Cassamá ( cassamavilus@gmail.com )
    DNA Focal Point
    Phone: +245 678 40 46



    Ministry of the Presidency
    Shiv Chanderpaul Drive, Georgetown,

    Ms. Janelle Christian ( jnel910@gmail.com )
    Head, Office of Climate change
    Phone: +592- 602 4840



    Ministry of Environment
    Rue 4, Pacot # 11

    Mr. Moise Fils Jean-Pierre ( moisejp8@hotmail.com, haiti-changementsclimatiques@hotmail.com )
    Climate Change Technical Advisor
    Phone: (509) 3701-2694 / (509) 2943-0520/0521
    Fax: (509) 245-7360

  • Minimum values for forest (A/R projects)
  • ^

    Secretariade de Recursos Naturales y Ambiente
    100 metros al sur del Estadio Nacional Tegucigalpa

    Eng. Wendy Carolina Rodríguez ( wrodriguez@serna.gob.hn; cambioclimatico@serna.gob.hn; cooperacion@serna.gob.hn )
    Acting Director National Directorate of Climate Change
    Phone: +504 2239-0498
    Fax: +504 2232-9200

  • Minimum values for forest (A/R projects)
  • ^

    Ministry of Environment and Forest and Climate Change
    2nd floor, Agni wing, Indira Paryavaran Bhawan, Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change, New Delhi - 110003

    Shri Tarun Kumar Pithode ( tarun.pithode@mp.gov.in; tarun.pithode@mp.gov.in )
    Phone: +91 11-20819249
    Fax: +91- 11-20819249

  • Minimum values for forest (A/R projects)
  • ^

    Ministry of Environment and Forestry
    Manggala Wanabati Block VII, 12th floor, Jl, Gatot Subroto, senayan, Jakarta

    Ms. Laksmi Dhewanthi ( Ldhewanthi@menlhk.go.id, sekretariatcdmindonesia@gmail.com )
    Director General of Climate Change
    Phone: +62 21 5720144
    Fax: +62 21 57020194
    Iran (Islamic Republic of)


    Department of the Environment

    Iraj HESHMATI ( iac@doe.ir, dhfhe.iran@gmail.com, manamaghsoudi@gmail.com )
    Deputy of Human Environment
    Phone: +9821-88233087, +989123383843
    Fax: +98216115447


    Ministry of Environment

    Abdulilah Qasim Al-Ameer ( Aka_1940@yahoo.com )

    Phone: +964 770 453 6050

    Ministry of Environment

    Susan Sami Al-Banaa ( suzan_banna@yahoo.com )

    Phone: +964 770 929 9927



    Environmental Protection Agency
    PO BOX 3000
    Johnstown Castle Estate

    Ms. Sinéad DOYLE ( si.doyle@epa.ie )

    Phone: (+353) 53 91 60600



    Ministry of Environmental Protection
    P. O. Box 34033,
    Jerusalem, 95464

    Dr. Tzur Galin ( tzur@sviva.gov.il )
    Director, Division of Air Quality and Climate Change
    Phone: (972-2) 6553 778
    Fax: (972-2) 6553 763


    Ministry for the Environment, Land and Sea
    Via Cristoforo Colombo 44,
    00147 Rome

    Ms. Giusy Lombardi ( CLEA-UDG@minambiente.it )
    Director General of the Department for Climate Change, Energy and Air Quality
    Phone: (39-06) 5722 5102 - 5103 - 5104

    Italian Ministry for the Environment and Energy Security
    Via Cristoforo Colombo 44,
    00147 Rome

    Ms Federica Fricano ( fricano.federica@mase.gov.it )
    Directorate European and International Environmental Affairs, DG AEI
    Phone: +39 06 5722 8229



    Ministry of Economic Growth and Job Creation
    16A Half-Way-Tree Road,
    Kingston 5, Jamaica West Indies

    Mr Ajani Alleyne ( Ajani.Alleyne@megjc.gov.jm )
    Research and Development Officer at the Climate Change Division
    Phone: (876) 926-8583
    Fax: (876) 920-7267


    The Liaison Committee for the Utilization of the Kyoto Mechanisms
    Ministry of Foreign Affairs,
    Climate Change Division, International Cooperation Bureau,
    2-2-1, Kasumigaseki,
    Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-8919

    ( kyomecha@mofa.go.jp )

    Phone: (81-3) 5501-8493
    Fax: (81-3) 5501-8244


    Ministry of Environment
    11941 King Faisal St.
    Building #82

    Mr. Belal Shqarin ( belal.shqarin@moenv.gov.jo )
    Director of Climate Change
    Phone: +962 79595 7454
    Fax: 00962 6 5516377

  • Minimum values for forest (A/R projects)
  • ^

    National Environment Management Authority
    Eland House,
    Popo Road, Off Mombasa Road
    P.O. Box 67839-00200

    Ms. Anne Nyatichi Omambia, PhD ( anomambia2002@yahoo.co.uk, anomambia@nema.go.ke )
    Climate Change Desk Officer
    Phone: +254 020 600 5522/6/7
    Fax: +254 020 600 8997
    National Environment Management Authority
    Eland House
    Popo Road, Off Mombasa Road
    P. O. Box 67839-0020,

    Mr Mamo Boru Mamo ( dgnema@nema.go.ke, mmamo@nema.go.ke )
    Director General
    Phone: +254 724 253398; +254 735 013046
    Fax: +254 020 600 8997
    Democratic People's Republic of Korea


    Secretariat of the National Coordinating Committee of Democratic People's Republic of Korea for Environment
    Zhungsongdong, Central District, Pyongyang City, DPR Korea
    P.O. Box 44 Pyongyang

    Mr. Ri Hung Sik ( ujchoe@unicef.org )
    Phone: (850 -2) 181 11 ext. 381 83 70
    Fax: (850-2) 381 46 60
    Republic of Korea

  • Minimum values for forest (A/R projects)
  • ^

    Commission on 2050 Carbon Neutrality & Green Growth
    3F, Sejong Finance Center III, 180 Gareum-ro, Sejong Special Self-Governing City, 30121, Republic Of Korea.

    Yongwhan Oh ( korea2050@korea.kr )

    Phone: (82) 44-200-1954
    Fax: (82) 44-864-1984


    Environmental Public Authority (EPA)
    P.O. Box 24395
    Safat 1304

    Mr. Sheikh Abdulla Ahmad AlHumoud AlSabah ( dg@epa.org.kw )
    Chairman of the Board & Director General of Environmental Public Authority (EPA)
    Phone: +965 2220 8511
    Fax: +965 2220 8369

  • Minimum values for forest (A/R projects)
  • ^

    National Climate Change Committee (NCCC)
    142, Gorky Street, 720005, Bishkek

    Mr. Mirslav Amankulov ( envforest@elcat.kg, min-eco@elcat.kg )
    Director (SAEPF)
    Phone: (996-312) 546517/ 546073
    Fax: (996-312) 545091
    Lao People's Democratic Republic

  • Minimum values for forest (A/R projects)
  • ^

    Water Resources and Environment Administration, WREA
    Department of Environment
    P.O.Box 7864,
    Ban: Sisavad,
    Lao PDR

    Mr. Syamphone Sengchandala ( syamphone.s@gmail.com, laocdm.dna@gmail.com )
    Director of Climate Change Office
    Phone: (856-21) 218 712, 265017
    Fax: (856-21) 218 712, 265017


    Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Latvia
    Peldu Street 25

    Mr. Raimonds Kašs ( raimonds.kass@varam.gov.lv, pasts@varam.gov.lv )
    Head of the Climate Finance and Technology Division, Acting Director of Climate Change Department
    Phone: + 371 670 265 38



    Ministry of Environment
    Department of Air Quality
    Service of Environmantal Technology
    Lazarieh Centre, 7th Floor,
    Block A4 Old
    P.O.Box 11/2727

    Mrs. Samar Malek ( samar@moe.gov.lb )
    Acting Head of the Service of Environmental Technology
    Phone: (961-1) 976 555 Ext. 434
    Fax: +961-1- 976 535


    Ministry of Natural Resources
    Department of Lesotho Meteorological Services
    P.O. Box 14515
    Maseru 100

    Mr. Ntsatsi Mathatela ( ntsatsi100@yahoo.com )
    Phone: (266-22) 322 075 / mobile: (266-58) 003 177
    Fax: (266-22) 32 50 57
    Ministry of Natural Resources
    Department of Lesotho Meteorological Services
    P.O. Box 14515
    Maseru 100

    Ms. Jockey Malehloa ( jockey2001@gmail.com )
    Phone: (266-22) 32 50 41 / (266-22) 32 50 57
    Fax: (266-22) 32 50 41 / (266-22) 32 50 57


    Environmental Protection Agency of Liberia
    4th Street, Sinkor
    P. O. Box 4024

    Ms. Salimatu Lamin Gilayeneh ( namutu1228@gmail.com )
    MANAGER/Multilateral Environmental Agreements NATIONAL FOCAL POINT/United Nation Framework Convention on Climate Change
    Phone: (+231)777588284;(+231)777588284



    Environmental General Authority (EGA)
    P.O. Box 83618
    El-Gheran, Tripoli

    Dr. Ahmed B. Mansur ( elmagori57@yahoo.com )

    Phone: (+218) 21 487 0266/ 913 709 474 / 923 158 692
    Fax: (+218) 21 487 0266


    Office of Environment
    Gerberweg 5, P. O. Box 684
    9490 Vaduz

    Dr. Heike Summer ( heike.summer@llv.li )

    Phone: (423-236) 61 96
    Fax: (423-236) 64 11


    Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania
    Pollution Prevention Department
    Climate Change and Hydrometeorology Division
    A. Jakšto St 4/9,
    LT-01105 Vilnius

    Ms. Jurga Rabazauskaite ( j.rabazauskaite@am.lt )
    Chief Desk Officer
    Phone: (+370) 5 266 3508
    Fax: (+370) 5 266 3663


    Ministry of sustainable development and infrastructure
    Department of Environment
    4, Place de l'Europe

    Monsieur Henri Haine ( henri.haine@mev.etat.lu )
    Conseiller de Direction première classe
    Phone: (352) 247 86816
    Fax: (352) 400 410
    North Macedonia


    Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning
    Bul. Goce delcev bb
    1000 Skopje
    Republic of Macedonia

    Ms. Teodora Obradovik Grncarovska ( t.grncarovska@moepp.gov.mk )
    State Counselor, UNFCCC Focal Point
    Phone: (389-2)3251 455
    Fax: (389-2) 3220 165

  • Minimum values for forest (A/R projects)
  • ^

    Ministère de l'Environnement, de l'Ecologie et des Forêts
    Bureau National de Coordination Changement Climatique

    Ms Lantonirina Ratovonjanahary ( mariefrance_ni@yahoo.fr )
    Phone: (261) 0345252636



    Environmental Affairs Department
    Private Bag 394
    Lilongwe 3

    Mrs. Shamiso Nandi Najira ( shamiso_b@yahoo.com )
    Chief Environmental Officer

    Environmental Affairs Department
    Private Bag 394
    Lilongwe 3

    Chimwemwe Yonasi ( cyonasi@gmail.com )


  • Minimum values for forest (A/R projects)
  • ^

    Ministry of Environment and Water, Malaysia
    Level 6, Tower Block 4G3, Precinct 4,
    Environmental Management and Climate Change Division,
    Federal Government Administration Centre,
    62574 Putrajaya, Malaysia

    Mr. Ahmad Farid bin Mohammed, ( farid@kasa.gov.my )

    Phone: (603)8886 1137
    Fax: (603)8888 4473


    Ministry of Environment and Energy
    Ameenee Magu,20392

    Mr. Amjad Abdulla ( amjad.abdulla@environment.gov.mv )
    Director General
    Phone: (960) 7775543
    Fax: (960) 300 4301

  • Minimum values for forest (A/R projects)
  • ^

    Agence de l'Environnement et du Développement Durable (AEDD)
    BP 2357

    Mr. Sékou Kone ( aedd.environnement@gmail.com, sekou_kone1000@yahoo.fr )
    Directeur Général Adjoint
    Phone: (+223) 2023 1074
    Fax: (+223) 2023 5867


    Ministry for the Environment, Climate Change and Planning
    Millennia, Ground Floor,
    Aldo Moro Road
    MRS 9065

    Mr. Saviour Vassallo ( saviour.vassallo@mra.org.mt )
    A/Head of Unit Climate Change- Malta Resources Authority
    Phone: (356)2290 1586
    Fax: (356)2290 2295


    Ministère delégué auprès du Premier Ministre chargé de l'Environnement et du Développement Durable
    BP: 170

    Moussa Aboulaye Ba ( bamouss14@gmail.com )
    Conseiller Chargé des Affaires Juridiques
    Phone: (+222) 525 83 86 / 310 55 76
    Fax: (+222) 524 31 38


    Ministry of Environment, Solid Waste Management and Climate Change.
    Department of Environment
    2nd Floor Ken Lee Tower
    Barracks Street
    Port Louis

    Mr Jogeeswar SEEWOOBADUTH ( jseewoobaduth@govmu.org )
    Acting. Director of Environment
    Phone: +(230) 210 5620/ +(230) 5 918 9251
    Fax: +(230) 210 7109

  • Minimum values for forest (A/R projects)
  • ^

    Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources of Mexico (SEMARNAT)
    Av. Ejército Nacional 223, Piso 19. Col. Anahuac I Sección, Miguel Hidalgo, Ciudad de México, 11320.

    Diana Karin Guzmán ( dianza.guzman@semarnat.gob.mx )
    Director of Climate Change Mitigation Policies
    Phone: +52 55 5490 0900 ext. 14611

    Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources of Mexico (SEMARNAT)
    Av. Ejercito Nacional 223, Piso 19. Col. Anahuac I Sec Miguel Hidalgo, Ciudad de Mexico, 11320

    Suriel Islas Martínez ( suriel.islas@semarnat.gob.mx )
    Deputy Director of Actions to promote Sustainable Development
    Phone: +52 55 5490 0900 ext. 12018

    Micronesia (Federated States of)


    Department of Environment, Climate Change and Emergency Management
    FSM National Government
    Palikir, Pohnpei FM96941
    Federated States of Micronesia

    Mr. Andrew Yatilman ( decem.fsm@gmail.com, climate@mail.fm )
    Phone: 691 320 8814/8815
    Fax: 691 320 8936


    Direction des Relations Extérieures, Coopération Internationale pour l'Environnement et le Développement
    Villa Girasole, 16 Boulevard de Suisse, ML 9800,

    Monsieur Platini ( fplatini@gouv.mc )

    Phone: (337-93) 154 229
    Fax: (337-93) 509 591

  • Minimum values for forest (A/R projects)
  • ^

    Ministry of Environment and Tourism of Mongolia
    Climate Change and International Cooperation Department
    Government Building II
    United Nations Street 5/2
    Ulaanbaatar 15160

    Ms. Narangaravuu Altangerel ( anand@mne.gov.mn, a.narangaravuu@gmail.com )
    Climate Change Project Officer
    Phone: +976-51-263341
    Fax: NA


    Ministry of Tourism and Environment
    Department for Air Protection and Radioactivity
    Rimski trg 46
    81 000 Podgorica

    Ms. Sanja Pavicevic ( sanja.pavicevic@gov.me )

    Phone: (382) 8148 2142
    Fax: (382) 8123 4237

  • Minimum values for forest (A/R projects)
  • ^

    Secrétariat d'Etat chargé de l'Eau et de l'Environnement
    Département de l'Environnement
    9, Av. Al Araar, secteur 16, Hay Ryad Rabat

    Mr. Mohamed Benyahia ( benyahia@environnement.gov.ma , equipecc@environnement.gov.ma )
    Directeur du Partenariat, de la Communication et de la Coopération
    Phone: (+212) 537 576 637
    Fax: (+212) 537 576 638

  • Minimum values for forest (A/R projects)
  • ^

    Ministry of Land, Environment and Rural Development (MITADER)
    Rua de kassuende No. 167
    C.P. 2020 Maputo

    Ms. Ivete Joaquim Maibaze ( imaiba@yahoo.com )
    National Director for Environment
    Phone: +258 21 46 6247
    Fax: +258-21 46 5848

  • Minimum values for forest (A/R projects)
  • ^

    Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Conservation
    Environmental Conservation Department
    Building No - 53,
    Nay Pyi Taw,

    Mr. Hla Maung Thein ( hlamaungthein.env@gmail.com )
    Director General
    Phone: (+95-67) 3431343; +95 9 448533521
    Fax: (95-67)431322


    Ministry of Environment and Tourism
    6th Floor, Capital Centre Building
    Levinson Arcade- Windhoek
    Private Bag 13306
    Windhoek, Namibia

    Mr. Petrus Muteyauli ( pmuteyauli@yahoo.co.uk )
    Deputy Director: DNA Namibia
    Phone: +264-61-2842701/ 2712
    Fax: +264-61-240339


    Ministry of Forests and Environment
    Secretariat Complex, Singhdurbar,

    Mr. Maheshwar Dhakal, PhD ( maheshwar.dhakal@gmail.com, dhakal.maheshwar@gmail.com )
    Joint-Secretary (technical) Chief of Climate Change Management Division
    Phone: (977-1) 985 114 2405
    Fax: (977-1) 421 1868


    Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy
    P.O. Box 20401
    2500 EK Den Haag
    The Netherlands

    Ms. Laurien Eblé ( l.a.j.eble@minezk.nl )

    Phone: Phone: +31615595340

    New Zealand


    Ministry for the Environment
    Ministry for the Environment
    PO Box 10362
    New Zealand

    Ms. Kay Harrison ( projects@mfe.govt.nz )
    Director, Climate
    Phone: (64-4) 439 7400
    Fax: (64-4) 439-7700

  • Minimum values for forest (A/R projects)
  • ^

    Secretaría Privada para Políticas Nacionales Presidencia de la República
    Costado Sur Asamblea Nacional, Casa de Gobierno, Managua

    Mr. Luis Fiallos ( lfiallosp@yahoo.com )

    Phone: (505) 7879 2938


  • Minimum values for forest (A/R projects)
  • ^

    Secretariat Executif du CNEDD, Cabinet du Premier Ministre
    B.P. 10193 NY, Niamey

    Docteur Kamayé Maâzou ( biocnedd@intnet.ne, kamayemaazou@yahoo.fr )
    Secrétaire Exécutif du CNEDD
    Phone: (+227) 207 22 559/ (+227) 207 242 64 /(+227) 969 8
    Fax: (+227) 207 24556


    Federal Ministry of Environment
    Office location: Department of Climate Change; Plot 444, Aguiyi Ironsi Street, Green Building, Maitama, Abuja

    Dr. Yerima Peter Tarfa ( petertarfa@hotmail.com )
    UNFCCC Focal Point, Nigeria & Director, Department of Climate Change
    Phone: +2348024920107



    Norwegian Environment Agency
    Postboks 5672 Torgarden, 7485 Trondheim

    Mrs. Silje Aksnes Bratland ( DNA.CDM@miljodir.no )
    Head of section, Emission Trading Section
    Phone: +47 416 16 527
    Fax: +47 73 58 05 01


    Civil Aviation Authority (CAA)
    Directorate-General of Climate Affairs
    P.O. Box 323, P.C. 100,
    Sultanate of Oman

    Mr. Ibrahim bin Ahmed Al-Ajmi ( sajad95@hotmail.com )
    Director-General of Climate Affairs
    Phone: (00968) 2440 4789
    Fax: (00968) 2440 4799

  • Minimum values for forest (A/R projects)
  • ^

    Ministry of Climate Change and Environmental Coordination
    3rd Floor, LG&RD Complex, G-5/2 Islamabad

    Mr. Iftikhar-ul-Hassan Shah ( iftigilani@yahoo.com )
    Additional Secretary
    Phone: +92-51-9245531
    Fax: +92-51-9245532

  • Minimum values for forest (A/R projects)
  • ^

    National Environmental Authority
    Sede Principal Edif. 804 Apartado Ancon-Republica de Panama, Calle Broberg, Panama C-0843-00793, Panama

    Milciades Concepcion ( mconcepcion@miambiente.gob.pa )
    Environment Minister
    Phone: 00507 500 0855

    National Environmental Authority
    nternational Technical Cooperation,Sede Principal Edif. 804 Apartado Ancón-República de Panamá, Calle Broberg, Panama C-0843-00793, Panama

    Javier Martinez ( jmatinez@miambiente.gob.pa )
    Head of Mitigation Department
    Phone: 500-0855

    National Environmental Authority
    International Technical Cooperation,Sede Principal Edif. 804 Apartado Ancón-República de Panamá, Calle Broberg, Panama C-0843-00793, Panama

    Legia Castroof Doens ( lcastrod@miambiente.gob.pa )
    Director of Climate Change
    Phone: (507) 500-0855

    Papua New Guinea


    Climate Change and Development Authority
    Dynasty Tower, Waigani Drive, Waigani
    P.O. Box 4017
    National Capital District,

    Mr. Ruel Yamuna ( ryamuna959@gmail.com )
    Managing Director
    Phone: +675 7411 2493


  • Minimum values for forest (A/R projects)
  • ^

    Secretaria del Ambiente (SEAM)
    Av. Madame Lynch N° 3500

    Ms. Ethel Estigarribia ( ethelyamili@hotmail.com )
    Principal Focal Point for CDM
    Phone: +595982206879
    Fax: 595 21 615 803/14
    Secretaria del Ambiente (SEAM)
    Av. Madame Lynch N° 3500

    Mr. Carlos Vecca ( oncc@seam.gov.py, onccseampy@gmail.com, carlosvecca@hotmail.com )
    Alternate Focal Point for CDM
    Phone: 595 971 183 232
    Fax: 595 21 615 803/14

  • Minimum values for forest (A/R projects)
  • ^

    Ministerio del Ambiente
    Av. Antonio Miroquesada № 425, Magdalena del Ma, Lima, Peru

    Berioska Quispe Estrada ( bquispe@minam.gob.pe; kmondonedo@minam.gob.pe )
    Director of the General Directorate of Climate Change and Desertification
    Phone: (+511) 611-6000 ext. 1350


  • Minimum values for forest (A/R projects)
  • ^

    Department of Environment and Natural Resources
    Environmental Management Bureau
    DENR Compound, Visayas Avenue
    Diliman, Quezon City 1116
    The Philippines

    Mr. William P. Cunado ( william_cunado@emb.gov.ph )
    Director, Environmental Management Bureau (DNA-TEC Chair)
    Phone: (+632) 920 2246,
    Fax: (+632) 928 3725,
    Department of Environment and Natural Resources
    Environmental Management Bureau
    DENR Compound, Visayas Avenue
    Diliman, Quezon City 1116
    The Philippines

    Mr. Albert A. Magalang ( aamagalang@denr.gov.ph, albertmgg@emb.gov.ph )
    Head, Climate Change Office (DNA Forum Representative)
    Phone: (+632) 920 1992
    Fax: (+632)928 2251


    Ministry of the Environment
    ul. Wawelska 52/52
    00-922 Warsaw

    Ms. Maria Klokocka ( maria.klokocka@mos.gov.pl )
    Head, Division of Climate Change Protection and Environmental Conventions
    Phone: (48-22)579 2761
    Fax: (48-22)579 2463


    Portuguese Environment Agency
    Rua da Murgueira, 9/9A - Zambujal Ap. 7585
    2611-865 Amadora

    Ms. Ana Teresa Perez ( dna.portugal@apambiente.pt )
    Member of the Board of the Portuguese Environment Agency
    Phone: (351) 21 472 82 00
    Fax: (351) 21 471 90 74
    Portuguese Environment Agency
    Rua da Murgueira, 9/9A - Zambujal Ap. 7585
    2611-865 Amadora

    Mr. Eduardo Santos ( dna.portugal@apambiente.pt )
    Director of the Climate Change Department
    Phone: (351) 21 472 82 00
    Fax: (351) 21 471 90 74


    International Cooperation Unit
    P. O. Box 7634

    Mrs. Muna Al-Baker ( ICU@moe.gov.qa )
    Director, International Cooperation unit
    Phone: (+974) 442 07187
    Fax: (+974) 442 07275
    Ministry of Municipality & Environment
    P.O.Box 7634

    Mr. Abdulhadi Nasser Almarri ( analmarri@mme.gov.qa )
    Director of Climate Change Department
    Phone: (+974) 442 63636
    Fax: (+974) 442 61964
    Republic of Moldova

  • Minimum values for forest (A/R projects)
  • ^

    Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources
    9 Cosmonautilor Str.
    Republic of Moldova

    H.E. Mr. Ghoerghe Salaru ( clima@mediu.gov.md, ghsalaru@gmail.com )
    Phone: (373-22) 20-4507 / (373-22) 23-2247
    Fax: (373-22) 22-6858 / (373-22) 23-2247

  • Minimum values for forest (A/R projects)
  • ^

    Rwanda Environment Management Authority (REMA)
    Gasabo District
    Kigali City,
    Boulevard Umuganda
    P.O. Box 7436 Kigali,Rwanda

    Juliet KABERA ( jkabera@rema.gov.rw, hakuzimana@rema.gov.rw )
    Director General
    Phone: (+250) 788514577
    Fax: (+250) 025 258 0017
    Saint Vincent and the Grenadines


    Ministry of Finance, Economic Planning, Sustainable Development, and Information Technology
    1st floor Administrative Building
    P.O. Box 608
    St. Vincent and the Grenadines

    Ms. Laura Anthony Browne ( cenplan@svgcpd.com, nyakkh@gmail.com )
    Director of Planning
    Phone: (784) 457-1746
    Fax: (784) 456-2430


    Ministry of Finance
    Designated National Authority
    DNA Secretariat (Ministry of Finance)
    Government of Samoa
    Private Bag

    Mr. Lavea Tupaimatuna Iulai Lavea ( iulai.lavea@mof.gov.ws )
    Chief Executive Officer
    Phone: (+685) 34332 or 34333
    Fax: (+685) 21312
    Sao Tome and Principe


    Autoridade Nacional Designada
    Avenida Kwame N'Kruma
    C.P. 1023, São Tomé'
    São Tomé e Principe

    Mr. Madival Alva das Neves ( madval15@hotmail.com )

    Phone: (+239) 222 5323
    Fax: (+239) 222 7156
    Saudi Arabia


    National Committee for Clean Development Mechanism
    PO Box 94293
    Riyadh 11693
    Saudi Arabia

    Mr. Abdullah N. Al Sarhan ( secretariat@cdmdna.gov.sa, a.sarhan@cdmdna.gov.sa )
    General secretary
    Phone: +966112819700
    Fax: +966112819788

  • Minimum values for forest (A/R projects)
  • ^

    Direction de l'Environment
    Han Mariste

    Madeleine Diouf SARR ( mariline.diara@yahoo.fr, rosemadiouf@gmail.com )

    Phone: (221) 33 859 14 61



    Ministry of Energy, Development and Environmental Protection

    Ms. Danijela Bozanic ( danijela.bozanic@merz.gov.rs )
    Head of Climate Change Division
    Phone: (381-11) 2603 736
    Fax: (381-11) 31 31 355


    Ministry of Environment, Energy and Climate Change
    Department of Energy and Climate Change
    P.O. Box 445, Botanical Garden, Mont Fleuri

    Mr. Will Agricole ( w.agricole@env.gov.sc , w.agricole@meteo.gov.sc, wagricole1957@gmail.com )
    UNFCCC National Focal Point
    Phone: Off: +2304670500; Mob: +2482714419
    Fax: +2484610647
    Sierra Leone


    Ministry of Energy

    Mr. Benjamin Kamara ( benshinoh@gmail.com )
    Director of Energy, Energy Directorate
    Phone: (+232) 76 369 538

    Environment Protection Agency – Sierra Leone
    Climate Change Secretariat
    21 Old Railway Line
    Sierra Leone

    Mr. Momodu Alrashid Bah ( modbah@yahoo.com )
    Deputy Director, Climate Change Secretariat
    Phone: +232 78 350 627



    National Environment Agency (NEA)
    Environment Building
    40 Scotts Road, #13-00
    Singapore 228231

    Mr. Suresh K ( suresh_k@nea.gov.sg )
    Senior Engineer
    Phone: (65-67) 31 9199
    Fax: (65-67) 34 6956


    Ministry of the Environment
    Climate Change Department
    Námestie L'. Štúra 1
    812 35 Bratislava

    Mr. Michal Gutman ( michal.gutman@enviro.gov.sk )

    Phone: (421- 2) 5956 2505
    Fax: (421- 2) 5956 2132


    Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning
    Dunajska 48
    1000 Ljubljana

    Mr. Matej Gasperic ( matej.gasperic@gov.si )

    Phone: (386-1) 478 7360
    Fax: (386-1) 478 7425
    Solomon Islands


    Ministry of Environment
    Climate Change, Disaster Management and Meteorology
    P.O. Box 21
    Solomon Islands

    Mr. Douglas Yee ( dglsyee@yahoo.com.au )
    Director, Climate Change Division
    Phone: (+677) 24074
    Fax: (+677) 28054


    Ministry of Environment and Climate Change
    Wadajir District, Airport Road, Mogadishu

    H.E. Amb. Khadija Mohamed Almakhzoumi ( minister@moecc.gov.et )
    Phone: (+252) 61 5577 486



    Oficina Española de Cambio Climático, Ministerio para la Transición Ecológica y el Reto Demográfico/Spanish Climate Change Office, Ministry for the Ecological Transition and Demographic Challenge
    Plaza de San Juan de la Cruz 10, 28071 Madrid. España

    Ms. Valvanera Ulargui Aparicio ( and@miteco.es )
    Phone: (+34) 91 597 6848
    Fax: (+34) 91 597 1501
    Sri Lanka

  • Minimum values for forest (A/R projects)
  • ^

    Climate Change Secretariat, Ministry of Mahaweli Development and Environment
    Sobadam Piyasa, No. 416/C/1, Robert Gunawardana, Mawatha, Battaramulla

    Sri Lanka

    Dr. R.D.S. Jayathunga ( sunimal68@hotmail.com )
    Phone: (94-11) 2034192
    Fax: (94-11) 2879976
    Saint Kitts and Nevis


    Ministry of Environment and Cooperatives
    Department of Environment
    Cnr. Central and New Street
    Basseterre, St. Kitts

    Ms. June Hughes ( june.hughes@gov.kn )
    Phone: (1-869) 466-8535/ 467 1213
    Fax: (1-869) 465-5842
    Saint Lucia


    Ministry of Education, Innovation, Gender Relations and Sustainable Development
    Dept. of Sustainable Development
    Georgina Court
    John Compton Highway
    Saint Lucia, W.I

    Ms. Anita Montoute ( anitamontoute.dsd@gmail.com )
    Permanent Secretary
    Phone: (758) 468 5840
    Fax: (758) 456-0490
    Ministry of Education, Innovation, Gender Relations and Sustainable Development
    Department of Sustainable Development
    Georgina Court,
    John Compton Highway,
    Saint Lucia, W.I

    Ms. Annette Ragittan-Leo ( annetteleo.sde@gmail.com )
    Chief Sustainable Development and Environment Officer
    Phone: (758) 468-5803/ (758) 724-7468/ (758) 451-8746

    South Africa

  • Minimum values for forest (A/R projects)
  • ^

    Department of Energy
    192 Corner Visagie and Paul Kruger Streets
    Matimba Building
    South Africa

    Mr. Thabo Mokoena ( Thabo.Mokoena@dmre.gov.za )
    Director General
    Phone: +012 444 3880

    Department of Energy
    South Africa

    Mr. Daniel Modise ( Daniel.Modise@energy.gov.za )
    Office of the Director
    Phone: +012 406 7652

    Department of Energy
    192 Corner Visagie and Paul Kruger Streets
    Matimba Building

    Ms. Thembeka Zuma ( thembeka.zuma@energy.gov.za )
    Personal Assistant to the Director General
    Phone: +27 12 406 7797

    Department of Energy
    192 Corner Visagie and Paul Kruger Streets
    Matimba Building

    Ms. Winniefred Maswanganye ( Winniefred.Maswanganye@energy.gov.za )
    Personal Assistant to DNA office of the Director
    Phone: +27 (0)12 406 7786



    High Council of Environment and Natural Resources (HCENR)
    P.O. Box 10488

    Dr. Hana Hamadalla Mohamed ( hanahamadalla2@yahoo.com )
    Senior Researcher
    Phone: (249)911484876
    Fax: (249-183)78-7617


    Ministry of Spatial Planning and Environment-Coordination Environment
    Swalmbergstraat # 7

    Ms. Tiffany van Ravenswaay ( tiffanycvr@hotmail.com, co.environment@gov.sr )
    Environmental Policy Officer
    Phone: + 597-471216/ 472917
    Fax: + (597) 472-841
    National Institute for Environment and Development Suriname
    Jaggernath Lachmonstraat # 100

    Donovan Bogor ( dbogor@nimo.sorg, info@nimos.org )
    Office Coordinator Environmental Planning and Information
    Phone: + 597- 490047
    Fax: + (597) 472-841


    Swedish Energy Agency
    P.O.Box 310,
    SE-631 04 Eskilstuna

    Mr Erland Kjellén ( erland.kjellen@energimyndigheten.se )

    Phone: +46 73 668 99 37



    Federal Office for the Environment FOEN, Climate Division
    CH-3003 Berne,

    Mr. Simon Fellermeyer ( swissflex@bafu.admin.ch )

    Phone: (41-58) 483 91 84
    Fax: (41-58) 462 99 81
    Syrian Arab Republic


    Ministry of Local Administration and Environment in Syria
    Directorate of Renewable Energy & Cleaner Production
    Bahsa Street -Yousef Azmah Square
    P.O.Box: 3773
    Damascus, Syria

    Eng. Yaser Alahmad ( int.coop@mola.gov.sy, yaserlahmad@gmail.com, ahmadbatoul@hotmail.com, hasangndan@gmail.com )

    Phone: 00963 11 2318682
    Fax: 00963 11 2312120


    Ministry of Energy and Industry
    Republic of Tajikistan

    Mr. Ilhomjon Rajabov ( ilhomrajabov@mail.ru, cc_center@meteo.tj )

    Phone: + 99 237 221 55 22 / + 99 237 227 61 81
    Fax: + 99 237 221 55 22 / + 99 237 227 61 81

  • Minimum values for forest (A/R projects)
  • ^

    Thailand Greenhouse Gas Management Organization (TGO)
    120 Mu 3, Building B, 9th Floor,
    The Government Complex,
    Chaeng Wattana Road, Laksi
    Bangkok 10210

    Executive Director ( thai-dna@tgo.or.th, natarika@tgo.or.th )

    Phone: (+66) 2 141 9790 / 9801 (Executive Office)
    Fax: (+66) 2 143 8400 / 1

  • Minimum values for forest (A/R projects)
  • ^

    Direction de l'Environnement
    B.P. 4825

    M. Koffi Volley ( denv_togo@yahoo.fr, koffivolley@yahoo.fr )

    Phone: (228) 2 221-3321/ -5197
    Fax: (228) 2 221-0333
    Trinidad and Tobago

  • Minimum values for forest (A/R projects)
  • ^

    Ministry of Planning and Development
    Environmental Policy and Planning Division
    International Waterfront Complex
    Level 7, Tower C
    Wrightson Road
    Port of Spain

    Mr. Kishan Kumarsingh ( kishan.kumarsingh@planning.gov.tt )
    Head, Multilateral Environmental Agreements Unit
    Phone: 868 225 3381
    Fax: 868 625 9434
    Ministry of Planning and Development
    Multilateral Environmental Agreements Unit
    Environmental Policy and Planning Division
    International Waterfront Complex
    Level 7, Tower C
    Wrightson Road
    Port of Spain

    Ms. Sindy Singh ( Sindy.Singh@planning.gov.tt )
    Climate Change Specialist
    Phone: 868 225 3375
    Fax: 868 625 9434
    Ministry of Planning and Development
    Level 14, Eric Williams Financial Complex
    Indipendence Square
    Port of Spain

    Ms. Joanne ( Joanne.Deoraj@planning.gov.tt )
    Permanent Secretary
    Phone: 868 627 9711, 868 627 9700 ext. 2009/1389
    Fax: 868 625 0363


    Ministry for the Environment
    Centre Urbain Nord
    Boulevard de la Terre
    1080 Tunis

    Mr. Imed Fadhel ( i.fadhel@yahoo.fr )

    Phone: (216) 70 728 512
    Fax: (216) 70 728 655


    Ministry of Agriculture and Environmental Protection of Turkmenistan
    Office of climate change
    Bitarap Turkmenistan Street, 15
    Ashgabat 744000

    Ms. Irina Atamuradova ( atamuradova@yandex.ru )

    Phone: (99312) 398 703
    Fax: (99312) 356 621

  • Minimum values for forest (A/R projects)
  • ^

    Ministry of Water and Environment
    P. O. Box 20026

    Mr. Bob Natifu ( bob.natifu@gmail.com )
    UNFCCC National Focal Point for Uganda
    Phone: +256 753 666 777

    Ministry of Water and Environment
    Climate Change Unit/DNA Secretariat
    P. O. Box 28119
    Kampala, Uganda

    Mr. Alfred Okot Okidi ( alfred.okidi@mwe.go.ug )
    Alternate UNFCCC Focal Point for Uganda
    Phone: (256) 414 505945; +256772409414

    United Arab Emirates


    Ministry of Energy and Infrastructure
    P. O. Box 1858
    United Arab Emirates

    H.E. Ahmed Mohamed Alkaabi ( ahmed.alkaabi@moei.gov.ae )
    Assistant Undersecretary for Electricity, Water and Future Energy Sector
    Phone: +971 2 406 2400

    United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland


    Environment Agency
    Richard Fairclough House
    Knutsford Road
    WA4 1HT
    United Kingdom

    United Kingdom Designated National Authority (UK DNA) ( cdm@environment-agency.gov.uk )

    Phone: +44 (0) 3708 506 506

    United Republic of Tanzania

  • Minimum values for forest (A/R projects)
  • ^

    Division of Environment, Vice-President's Office
    P.O.Box 5380,
    IBS Building
    Dar Es Salaam
    United Republic of Tanzania

    Mr. Richard S. MUYUNGI ( tanzania37@gmail.com )
    Assistant Director
    Phone: (255-222)11-3983
    Fax: (255-222)11-3856/211 3082

  • Minimum values for forest (A/R projects)
  • ^

    Ministry of Environment
    Dirección de Cambio Climático
    Ministerio de Vivienda, Ordenamiento Territorial y Medio Ambiente
    Zabala 1432 piso 2
    11100 Montevideo, Uruguay

    Mrs. Natalie Pareja ( nfp.unfccc.uruguay@ambiente.gub.uy, natalie.pareja@ambiente.gub.uy )
    National Climate Change Director
    Phone: (598- 2) 917 0710 Ext. 1231 /1235
    Fax: (598-2) 917 0710


    Ministry of Economy
    Uzbekiston str. 45-A
    700003, Tashkent

    Mr. Ismailov Shuhrat ( shismoilov@mineconomy.uz )
    Head of the Project Monitoring Unit
    Phone: (998-71)132 6550
    Fax: (998-71)132 6354


    Ministry for Climate Change, Adaptation , Meteorology, Geo-Hazards, Environment, Energy and Disaster Management
    Government of Vanuatu
    Private Mail Bag 9054, Port Vila

    Ms. Esline Garaebiti ( gesline@vanuatu.gov.vu )
    Director General
    Phone: (678) 22068

    Viet Nam

  • Minimum values for forest (A/R projects)
  • ^

    Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of Viet Nam
    Department of Climate Change
    No. 10 Ton That Thuyet street
    Nam Tu Liem Dist.,Ha Noi, Viet Nam
    Hanoi, Vietnam

    Dr. Tang The Cuong ( VietnamDNA@monre.gov.vn )
    Director General
    Phone: +84-24-37956868 ext.6789; +84-965596789

    Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment
    Division of Economics and Information on Climate Change, Department of Climate Change
    No. 10 Ton That Thuyet Str.,Nam Tu Liem Dist., Ha Noi, Viet Nam

    Mr. Nguyen Van Minh ( nvminh_kttv@monre.gov.vn )
    Deputy Director
    Phone: +84-24-37759384; +84-983080281


  • Minimum values for forest (A/R projects)
  • ^

    Environment Protection Authority (EPA)
    P.O. Box 19719

    Dr. Mohamed Said El-Mashjary ( epa-yemen@yemen.net.ye, mssmashjary1@gmail.com, fahmi.binshbrak@gmail.com )
    Chairman, EPA
    Phone: (967-1)207817
    Fax: (967-1)207327


    Climate Change and Natural Resources Management Department
    Ministry of Lands and Natural Resources
    Mulungushi House
    Second Floor Room 268
    P.O Box 50694

    Mr. Ephraim Mwepya Shitima ( Ephraim.Shitima@MLNREP.gov.zm )
    Acting Director & UNFCCC National Focal Point
    Phone: +260 977893961



    Ministry of Environment, Climate, Tourism and Hospitality Industry Climate Change Management Department
    11th Floor, Kaguvi Bldg. corner 4th St. Central Avenue P. Bag 7753, Causeway

    Mr. Washington Zhakata ( washingtonzhakata@gmail.com )
    Director, Climate Change Management Department
    Phone: +263773069438