19:52 15 Jan 25
Designated National Authorities (DNA)
Country | Organization's address / Contact person | Other informations |
Secretaria del Ambiente (SEAM)
Av. Madame Lynch N° 3500 Asunción Paraguay Ms. Ethel Estigarribia ( ethelyamili@hotmail.com ) Principal Focal Point for CDM Phone: +595982206879 Fax: 595 21 615 803/14 |
Secretaria del Ambiente (SEAM)
Av. Madame Lynch N° 3500 Asunción Paraguay Mr. Carlos Vecca ( oncc@seam.gov.py, onccseampy@gmail.com, carlosvecca@hotmail.com ) Alternate Focal Point for CDM Phone: 595 971 183 232 Fax: 595 21 615 803/14 |
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