Post-registration change requests for prior approval – finalized

CPA change notifications pending publication | Published CPA change notifications pending finalization | Search finalized CPA change notifications

Reference of post-registration change request PRC-
Project reference PA-
Process track Any
Prior approval
Type of request Find requests with ANY ALL of the types:

Changes to the project design as described in the registered generic CPA-DD (CGCPA)
Temporary deviations from the monitoring plan or the monitoring methodology (TDEV)
Corrections that do not affect project design (CORR)
Permanent changes from the monitoring plan or the monitoring methodology (CGMPMETH)
Changes specific to A/R project activities (CGAR)
Inclusion of a monitoring plan in the registered PDD, PoA-DD or CPA-DD (INCLMP)
Addition of specific case CPA DDs corresponding to generic CPA DDs (ADDCPA)
Changes to the project or programme design (CGPD)
Change to the start date of the crediting period (CGCP)

Final status

There are 379 matching requests:

Displaying 101-120 of 379

Reference Title Current state Last update
PRC-10471-047 CCC PoA for distribution of ICS in developing countries (Myanmar): CPA 050 Approved
2021/04/12 14:28:4.450198 GMT+2
12 Apr 21
PRC-10471-046 CCC PoA for distribution of ICS in developing countries (Myanmar): CPA 049 Approved
2021/04/12 14:27:48.329093 GMT+2
12 Apr 21
PRC-10471-045 CCC PoA for distribution of ICS in developing countries (Myanmar): CPA 048 Approved
2021/04/12 14:27:30.870726 GMT+2
12 Apr 21
PRC-10471-044 CCC PoA for distribution of ICS in developing countries (Myanmar): CPA 047 Approved
2021/04/12 14:27:14.721417 GMT+2
12 Apr 21
PRC-10471-043 CCC PoA for distribution of ICS in developing countries (Myanmar): CPA 046 Approved
2021/04/12 14:26:55.979085 GMT+2
12 Apr 21
PRC-10471-042 CCC PoA for distribution of ICS in developing countries (Myanmar): CPA 045 Approved
2021/04/12 14:26:38.743615 GMT+2
12 Apr 21
PRC-10471-041 CCC PoA for distribution of ICS in developing countries (Myanmar): CPA 044 Approved
2021/04/12 14:26:16.878378 GMT+2
12 Apr 21
PRC-10471-040 CCC PoA for distribution of ICS in developing countries (Myanmar): CPA 043 Approved
2021/04/12 14:25:56.788478 GMT+2
12 Apr 21
PRC-10471-039 CCC PoA for distribution of ICS in developing countries (Myanmar): CPA 042 Approved
2021/04/12 14:25:36.459348 GMT+2
12 Apr 21
PRC-10471-038 CCC PoA for distribution of ICS in developing countries (Myanmar): CPA 041 Approved
2021/04/12 14:21:37.490387 GMT+2
12 Apr 21
PRC-10471-037 CCC PoA for distribution of ICS in developing countries (Myanmar): CPA 040 Approved
2021/04/12 14:21:8.724140 GMT+2
12 Apr 21
PRC-10471-036 CCC PoA for distribution of ICS in developing countries (Myanmar): CPA 039 Approved
2021/04/12 14:20:45.320417 GMT+2
12 Apr 21
PRC-10471-035 CCC PoA for distribution of ICS in developing countries (Myanmar): CPA 038 Approved
2021/04/12 14:20:26.032001 GMT+2
12 Apr 21
PRC-10471-034 CCC PoA for distribution of ICS in developing countries (Myanmar): CPA 037 Approved
2021/04/12 14:19:59.927030 GMT+2
12 Apr 21
PRC-10471-033 CCC PoA for distribution of ICS in developing countries (Myanmar): CPA 036 Approved
2021/04/12 14:19:40.345808 GMT+2
12 Apr 21
PRC-10471-032 CCC PoA for distribution of ICS in developing countries (Myanmar): CPA 035 Approved
2021/04/12 14:19:21.034895 GMT+2
12 Apr 21
PRC-10471-031 CCC PoA for distribution of ICS in developing countries (Myanmar): CPA 034 Approved
2021/04/12 14:18:58.692954 GMT+2
12 Apr 21
PRC-10471-030 CCC PoA for distribution of ICS in developing countries (Myanmar): CPA 033 Approved
2021/04/12 14:18:39.446320 GMT+2
12 Apr 21
PRC-10471-029 CCC PoA for distribution of ICS in developing countries (Myanmar): CPA 032 Approved
2021/04/12 14:18:19.326079 GMT+2
12 Apr 21
PRC-10471-028 CCC PoA for distribution of ICS in developing countries (Myanmar): CPA 031 Approved
2021/04/12 14:17:58.554622 GMT+2
12 Apr 21