Post-registration change requests for prior approval – finalized

CPA change notifications pending publication | Published CPA change notifications pending finalization | Search finalized CPA change notifications

Reference of post-registration change request PRC-
Project reference PA-
Process track Any
Prior approval
Type of request Find requests with ANY ALL of the types:

Changes to the project design as described in the registered generic CPA-DD (CGCPA)
Temporary deviations from the monitoring plan or the monitoring methodology (TDEV)
Corrections that do not affect project design (CORR)
Permanent changes from the monitoring plan or the monitoring methodology (CGMPMETH)
Changes specific to A/R project activities (CGAR)
Inclusion of a monitoring plan in the registered PDD, PoA-DD or CPA-DD (INCLMP)
Addition of specific case CPA DDs corresponding to generic CPA DDs (ADDCPA)
Changes to the project or programme design (CGPD)
Change to the start date of the crediting period (CGCP)

Final status

There are 379 matching requests:

Displaying 81-100 of 379

Reference Title Current state Last update
PRC-10471-067 CCC PoA for distribution of ICS in developing countries (Myanmar): CPA 016 Approved
2023/05/30 11:00:19.760493 GMT+2
30 May 23
PRC-10471-066 CCC PoA for distribution of ICS in developing countries (Myanmar): CPA 015 Approved
2023/05/30 11:00:10.744777 GMT+2
30 May 23
PRC-10471-065 CCC PoA for distribution of ICS in developing countries (Myanmar): CPA 014 Approved
2023/05/30 11:00:1.267352 GMT+2
30 May 23
PRC-10471-064 CCC PoA for distribution of ICS in developing countries (Myanmar): CPA 013 Approved
2023/05/30 10:59:13.872827 GMT+2
30 May 23
PRC-10471-063 CCC PoA for distribution of ICS in developing countries (Myanmar): CPA 012 Approved
2023/05/30 10:59:3.661396 GMT+2
30 May 23
PRC-10471-062 CCC PoA for distribution of ICS in developing countries (Myanmar): CPA 011 Approved
2023/05/30 10:58:46.666867 GMT+2
30 May 23
PRC-10471-061 CCC PoA for distribution of ICS in developing countries (Myanmar): CPA 006 Approved
2023/05/30 10:58:32.731533 GMT+2
30 May 23
PRC-10471-060 CCC PoA for distribution of ICS in developing countries (Myanmar): CPA 005 Approved
2023/05/30 10:58:22.100867 GMT+2
30 May 23
PRC-10471-059 CCC PoA for distribution of ICS in developing countries (Myanmar): CPA 004 Approved
2023/05/30 10:58:10.574151 GMT+2
30 May 23
PRC-10471-058 CCC PoA for distribution of ICS in developing countries (Myanmar): CPA 003 Approved
2023/06/05 20:59:57.151952 GMT+2
05 Jun 23
PRC-10471-057 CCC PoA for distribution of ICS in developing countries (Myanmar): CPA 002 Approved
2023/05/30 10:57:37.693880 GMT+2
30 May 23
PRC-10471-056 CCC PoA for distribution of ICS in developing countries (Myanmar): CPA 001 Approved
2023/05/30 10:57:26.884684 GMT+2
30 May 23
PRC-10471-055 CCC PoA for distribution of ICS in developing countries (Myanmar): CPA 058 Approved
2021/04/12 14:30:38.941139 GMT+2
12 Apr 21
PRC-10471-054 CCC PoA for distribution of ICS in developing countries (Myanmar): CPA 057 Approved
2021/04/12 14:30:20.247078 GMT+2
12 Apr 21
PRC-10471-053 CCC PoA for distribution of ICS in developing countries (Myanmar): CPA 056 Approved
2021/04/12 14:30:4.287246 GMT+2
12 Apr 21
PRC-10471-052 CCC PoA for distribution of ICS in developing countries (Myanmar): CPA 055 Approved
2021/04/12 14:29:42.003183 GMT+2
12 Apr 21
PRC-10471-051 CCC PoA for distribution of ICS in developing countries (Myanmar): CPA 054 Approved
2021/04/12 14:29:21.828439 GMT+2
12 Apr 21
PRC-10471-050 CCC PoA for distribution of ICS in developing countries (Myanmar): CPA 053 Approved
2021/04/12 14:29:5.721226 GMT+2
12 Apr 21
PRC-10471-049 CCC PoA for distribution of ICS in developing countries (Myanmar): CPA 052 Approved
2021/04/12 14:28:48.161655 GMT+2
12 Apr 21
PRC-10471-048 CCC PoA for distribution of ICS in developing countries (Myanmar): CPA 051 Approved
2021/04/12 14:28:21.229538 GMT+2
12 Apr 21