Project: 7359-P1-0060-CP1 CPA-MA-25-Madagascar Ethanol Stove Program - Request for post-registration changes
Project 7359-P1-0060-CP1 CPA-MA-25-Madagascar Ethanol Stove Program
PRC ref PRC-7359-008
Process track CPA-PRC
Type of submission Corrections that do not affect project design

Permanent changes from the monitoring plan or the monitoring methodology
Applicable crediting period 03 Aug 16 - 02 Aug 23
Assessment opinion Assessment opinion (530 KB)
Revised CPA-DD Revised CPA-DD (740 KB)   Revised CPA-DD - track changes (965 KB)
Supplementary documents
Signed form Signed form (163 KB)
DOE clarification DOE clarification 1 - cpa (2620 KB)
VVS version VVS-PoA 2.0
Current status 28 Apr 21 - Approved
Effective approval date: 26 Apr 21
Historic statuses 10 Feb 21 - Published
24 Feb 21 - Awaiting DOE clarifications
09 Mar 21 - DOE clarifications received
09 Mar 21 - Summary note being prepared
06 Apr 21 - Awaiting EB decision